Table of Contents

Class ObservableExtensions


Provides a set of static extension methods to aid in writing queries over observable Harp message sequences.

public static class ObservableExtensions
Inherited Members


Event(IObservable<HarpMessage>, int)

Filters the elements of an observable sequence of Harp event messages based on their address.

public static IObservable<HarpMessage> Event(this IObservable<HarpMessage> source, int address)


source IObservable<HarpMessage>

The observable sequence whose event messages to filter.

address int

The address to test for a match.



An observable sequence that contains event messages from the input sequence that match the specified address.

Event(IObservable<HarpMessage>, int, bool)

Filters the elements of an observable sequence of Harp event messages based on their address.

public static IObservable<HarpMessage> Event(this IObservable<HarpMessage> source, int address, bool allowErrors)


source IObservable<HarpMessage>

The observable sequence whose event messages to filter.

address int

The address to test for a match.

allowErrors bool

true to allow error messages in the filter; otherwise, false.



An observable sequence that contains event messages from the input sequence that match the specified address.

Where(IObservable<HarpMessage>, MessageType)

Filters the elements of an observable sequence of Harp messages based on their message type.

public static IObservable<HarpMessage> Where(this IObservable<HarpMessage> source, MessageType messageType)


source IObservable<HarpMessage>

The observable sequence whose messages to filter.

messageType MessageType

The message type to test for a match.



An observable sequence that contains messages from the input sequence that match the specified messageType.

Where(IObservable<HarpMessage>, MessageType, bool)

Filters the elements of an observable sequence of Harp messages based on their message type.

public static IObservable<HarpMessage> Where(this IObservable<HarpMessage> source, MessageType messageType, bool allowErrors)


source IObservable<HarpMessage>

The observable sequence whose messages to filter.

messageType MessageType

The message type to test for a match.

allowErrors bool

true to allow error messages in the filter; otherwise, false.



An observable sequence that contains messages from the input sequence that match the specified messageType.

Where(IObservable<HarpMessage>, int)

Filters the elements of an observable sequence of Harp messages based on their address.

public static IObservable<HarpMessage> Where(this IObservable<HarpMessage> source, int address)


source IObservable<HarpMessage>

The observable sequence whose messages to filter.

address int

The address to test for a match.



An observable sequence that contains messages from the input sequence that match the specified address.

Where(IObservable<HarpMessage>, int, MessageType)

Filters the elements of an observable sequence of Harp messages based on their address and message type.

public static IObservable<HarpMessage> Where(this IObservable<HarpMessage> source, int address, MessageType messageType)


source IObservable<HarpMessage>

The observable sequence whose messages to filter.

address int

The address to test for a match.

messageType MessageType

The message type to test for a match.



An observable sequence that contains messages from the input sequence that match the specified address and messageType.

Where(IObservable<HarpMessage>, int, MessageType, bool)

Filters the elements of an observable sequence of Harp messages based on their address and message type.

public static IObservable<HarpMessage> Where(this IObservable<HarpMessage> source, int address, MessageType messageType, bool allowErrors)


source IObservable<HarpMessage>

The observable sequence whose messages to filter.

address int

The address to test for a match.

messageType MessageType

The message type to test for a match.

allowErrors bool

true to allow error messages in the filter; otherwise, false.



An observable sequence that contains messages from the input sequence that match the specified address and messageType.

Where(IObservable<HarpMessage>, int, bool)

Filters the elements of an observable sequence of Harp messages based on their address.

public static IObservable<HarpMessage> Where(this IObservable<HarpMessage> source, int address, bool allowErrors)


source IObservable<HarpMessage>

The observable sequence whose messages to filter.

address int

The address to test for a match.

allowErrors bool

true to allow error messages in the filter; otherwise, false.



An observable sequence that contains messages from the input sequence that match the specified address.