Namespace Bonsai.Harp
- AssemblyVersion
Represents a register that specifies the version of the assembled components in the device.
- AsyncDevice
Represents an asynchronous API to configure and interface with Harp devices.
- Bootloader
Provides asynchronous operations to update a device firmware using the dedicated bootloader protocol.
- ClockConfiguration
Represents a register that specifies the configuration for the device synchronization clock.
- ConvertFromMessageBytes
Represents a transform operator which converts an observable sequence of byte arrays into a sequence of Harp messages.
- ConvertTimestamped
Represents an expression builder which converts a timestamped payload value into a new form while keeping the original timestamp.
- CoreVersionHigh
Represents a register that specifies the major version of the Harp core implemented by the device.
- CoreVersionLow
Represents a register that specifies the minor version of the Harp core implemented by the device.
- CreateAssemblyVersionPayload
Represents an operator that creates a message payload that specifies the version of the assembled components in the device.
- CreateClockConfigurationPayload
Represents an operator that creates a message payload that specifies the configuration for the device synchronization clock.
- CreateCoreVersionHighPayload
Represents an operator that creates a message payload that specifies the major version of the Harp core implemented by the device.
- CreateCoreVersionLowPayload
Represents an operator that creates a message payload that specifies the minor version of the Harp core implemented by the device.
- CreateDeviceNamePayload
Represents an operator that creates a message payload that stores the user-specified device name.
- CreateFirmwareVersionHighPayload
Represents an operator that creates a message payload that specifies the major version of the Harp core implemented by the device.
- CreateFirmwareVersionLowPayload
Represents an operator that creates a message payload that specifies the minor version of the Harp core implemented by the device.
- CreateHardwareVersionHighPayload
Represents an operator that creates a message payload that specifies the major hardware version of the device.
- CreateHardwareVersionLowPayload
Represents an operator that creates a message payload that specifies the minor hardware version of the device.
- CreateMessage
Represents an operator which creates a sequence of standard message payloads for Harp devices.
- CreateMessageBuilder
Provides the abstract base class for polymorphic operators used to create specific Harp device message payloads.
- CreateMessagePayload
Represents an operator which creates a sequence of Harp messages with the specified payload.
- CreateOperationControlPayload
Represents an operator that creates a message payload that stores the configuration mode of the device.
- CreateResetDevicePayload
Represents an operator that creates a message payload that resets the device and saves non-volatile registers.
- CreateSerialNumberPayload
Represents an operator that creates a message payload that specifies the unique serial number of the device.
- CreateTimestampMicrosecondsPayload
Represents an operator that creates a message payload that stores the fractional part of the system timestamp, in microseconds.
- CreateTimestampSecondsPayload
Represents an operator that creates a message payload that stores the integral part of the system timestamp, in seconds.
- CreateTimestamped
Represents an operator that creates a sequence of timestamped payload values from a sequence of value-timestamp pairs.
- CreateTimestampedAssemblyVersionPayload
Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that specifies the version of the assembled components in the device.
- CreateTimestampedClockConfigurationPayload
Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that specifies the configuration for the device synchronization clock.
- CreateTimestampedCoreVersionHighPayload
Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that specifies the major version of the Harp core implemented by the device.
- CreateTimestampedCoreVersionLowPayload
Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that specifies the minor version of the Harp core implemented by the device.
- CreateTimestampedDeviceNamePayload
Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that stores the user-specified device name.
- CreateTimestampedFirmwareVersionHighPayload
Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that specifies the major version of the Harp core implemented by the device.
- CreateTimestampedFirmwareVersionLowPayload
Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that specifies the minor version of the Harp core implemented by the device.
- CreateTimestampedHardwareVersionHighPayload
Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that specifies the major hardware version of the device.
- CreateTimestampedHardwareVersionLowPayload
Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that specifies the minor hardware version of the device.
- CreateTimestampedOperationControlPayload
Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that stores the configuration mode of the device.
- CreateTimestampedResetDevicePayload
Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that resets the device and saves non-volatile registers.
- CreateTimestampedSerialNumberPayload
Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that specifies the unique serial number of the device.
- CreateTimestampedTimestampMicrosecondsPayload
Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that stores the fractional part of the system timestamp, in microseconds.
- CreateTimestampedTimestampSecondsPayload
Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that stores the integral part of the system timestamp, in seconds.
- CreateTimestampedWhoAmIPayload
Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that specifies the identity class of the device.
- CreateWhoAmIPayload
Represents an operator that creates a message payload that specifies the identity class of the device.
- Device
Represents an observable source of messages from the Harp device connected at the specified serial port.
- DeviceFirmware
Represents a hardware control firmware image which can be uploaded into a Harp device.
- DeviceName
Represents a register that stores the user-specified device name.
- DeviceTypeDescriptionProvider<TElement>
Provides dynamic device description data based on a private or internal
property. As long as such a property exists, this type description provider will use it to override the default DescriptionAttribute of the class.
- FileDevice
Represents an operator which produces an observable sequence of Harp messages from a previously recorded data file.
- FilterMessageType
Represents an operator that filters the sequence for valid Harp messages matching the specified message type.
- FilterRegister
Represents an operator that filters the sequence for Harp messages matching the specified register address.
- FilterRegisterAddress
Represents an operator that filters the sequence for Harp messages matching the specified address.
- FilterRegisterBuilder
Provides the abstract base class for polymorphic operators used to filter a sequence of Harp messages matching the specified register.
- FirmwareMetadata
Represents information about the device, firmware version and hardware version numbers contained in a particular device or hex file.
- FirmwareVersionHigh
Represents a register that specifies the major version of the Harp core implemented by the device.
- FirmwareVersionLow
Represents a register that specifies the minor version of the Harp core implemented by the device.
- Format
Represents an operator which formats a sequence of values as standard Harp device messages.
- FormatBuilder
Provides the abstract base class for polymorphic operators used to format a sequence of values as specific Harp device register messages.
- FormatMessagePayload
Represents an operator which formats a sequence of values as Harp messages with the specified address and payload type.
- GroupByRegister
Represents an operator that groups a sequence of Harp messages by register address.
- HardwareVersionHigh
Represents a register that specifies the major hardware version of the device.
- HardwareVersionLow
Represents a register that specifies the minor hardware version of the device.
- HarpCombinator
Provides the abstract base class for operators used to manipulate Harp device messages.
- HarpCombinatorBuilder
Provides the abstract base class for polymorphic operators used to manipulate Harp device messages.
- HarpCommand
Provides static methods for creating Harp command messages.
- HarpException
Represents errors that are reported by Harp devices at runtime.
- HarpMessage
Represents a single message of the Harp protocol.
- HarpVersion
Represents the major and minor version of Harp firmware or hardware.
- MessageWriter
Represents an operator that writes each Harp message in the sequence to a raw binary file.
- ObservableExtensions
Provides a set of static extension methods to aid in writing queries over observable Harp message sequences.
- OffsetTimestamp
Represents an operator that shifts the timestamps of a sequence of timestamped payload values by the specified time interval.
- OperationControl
Represents a register that stores the configuration mode of the device.
- Parse
Represents an operator which filters and selects standard Harp messages reported by the device.
- ParseBuilder
Provides the abstract base class for polymorphic operators used to filter and select messages from specific registers in a Harp device.
- ParseMessagePayload
Represents an operator which extracts the payload data from an observable sequence of Harp messages.
- PortNameConverter
Provides a type converter to convert port name strings to and from other representations.
- RegisterCombinatorBuilder
Provides the abstract base class for polymorphic operators used to filter and select a sequence of Harp messages matching the specified register.
- ResetDevice
Represents a register that resets the device and saves non-volatile registers.
- SerialNumber
Represents a register that specifies the unique serial number of the device.
- SynchronizeTimestamp
Represents an operator that creates a command message to set the value of the timestamp register in the Harp device to the current UTC time of the host.
- TimestampMicroseconds
Represents a register that stores the fractional part of the system timestamp, in microseconds.
- TimestampSeconds
Represents a register that stores the integral part of the system timestamp, in seconds.
- Timestamped
Provides static methods for creating timestamped payload objects.
- TimestampedAssemblyVersion
Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the AssemblyVersion register.
- TimestampedClockConfiguration
Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the ClockConfiguration register.
- TimestampedCoreVersionHigh
Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the CoreVersionHigh register.
- TimestampedCoreVersionLow
Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the CoreVersionLow register.
- TimestampedDeviceName
Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DeviceName register.
- TimestampedFirmwareVersionHigh
Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the FirmwareVersionHigh register.
- TimestampedFirmwareVersionLow
Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the FirmwareVersionLow register.
- TimestampedHardwareVersionHigh
Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the HardwareVersionHigh register.
- TimestampedHardwareVersionLow
Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the HardwareVersionLow register.
- TimestampedOperationControl
Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the OperationControl register.
- TimestampedResetDevice
Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the ResetDevice register.
- TimestampedSerialNumber
Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the SerialNumber register.
- TimestampedTimestampMicroseconds
Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the TimestampMicroseconds register.
- TimestampedTimestampSeconds
Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the TimestampSeconds register.
- TimestampedWhoAmI
Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the WhoAmI register.
- WhoAmI
Represents a register that specifies the identity class of the device.
- OperationControlPayload
Represents the payload of the OperationControl register.
- Timestamped<T>
Represents a timestamped payload value.
- ClockConfigurationFlags
Specifies configuration flags for the device synchronization clock.
- EnableFlag
Specifies whether a specific register flag is enabled or disabled.
- FilterType
Specifies how the message filter will use the matching criteria.
- LedState
Specifies the state of an LED on the Harp device.
- MessageType
Specifies the type of a Harp device message.
- OperationMode
Specifies the operation mode of the device.
- PayloadType
Specifies the type of data available in the message payload.
- ResetFlags
Specifies the behavior of the non-volatile registers when resetting the device.