Table of Contents

Class HarpMessage


Represents a single message of the Harp protocol.

public class HarpMessage
Inherited Members


HarpMessage(bool, params byte[])

Initializes a new instance of the HarpMessage class from the full binary representation of the Harp message, and optionally updates the value of the checksum byte.

public HarpMessage(bool updateChecksum, params byte[] messageBytes)


updateChecksum bool

Indicates whether to compute and update the checksum byte.

messageBytes byte[]

An array of bytes containing the full binary representation of the Harp message.



messageBytes is null.

HarpMessage(params byte[])

Initializes a new instance of the HarpMessage class from the full binary representation of the Harp message.

public HarpMessage(params byte[] messageBytes)


messageBytes byte[]

An array of bytes containing the full binary representation of the Harp message.



messageBytes is null.



Gets the address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

public int Address { get; }

Property Value



Gets the checksum byte used for error detection in the Harp protocol.

public byte Checksum { get; }

Property Value



Gets a value indicating whether this message is an error report from the device.

public bool Error { get; }

Property Value



Specifies whether the message payload contains time information.

public bool IsTimestamped { get; }

Property Value



Specifies whether the message bytes represent a conformant Harp message, including payload checksum validation.

public bool IsValid { get; }

Property Value



Gets the full binary representation of the Harp message.

public byte[] MessageBytes { get; }

Property Value



Gets the type of the Harp message.

public MessageType MessageType { get; }

Property Value



Gets the type of data available in the message payload.

public PayloadType PayloadType { get; }

Property Value



If the device is a hub of Harp messages, specifies the origin or destination of the Harp message. Otherwise, if the message refers to the device itself, returns the default value 0xFF.

public int Port { get; }

Property Value




Copies the message payload into an array of non-pointer value types. The size in bytes of the array should be equal to or higher than the total size of the payload.

public void CopyTo<TArray>(TArray[] value) where TArray : unmanaged


value TArray[]

The array which will contain the copy of the message payload.

Type Parameters


The type of the non-pointer values in the array.



value is null.


The number of bytes in value is less than the total size of the payload.

CopyTo<TArray>(TArray[], out double)

Copies the message payload into an array of non-pointer value types and gets the message timestamp. The size in bytes of the array should be equal to or higher than the total size of the payload.

public void CopyTo<TArray>(TArray[] value, out double timestamp) where TArray : unmanaged


value TArray[]

The array which will contain the copy of the message payload.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

Type Parameters


The type of the non-pointer values in the array.



value is null.


The number of bytes in value is less than the total size of the payload.


The message does not have a timestamped payload.

CopyTo<TArray>(TArray[], int)

Copies the message payload into an array of non-pointer value types, starting at the specified index. The size in bytes of the array should be equal to or higher than the total size of the payload.

public void CopyTo<TArray>(TArray[] value, int index) where TArray : unmanaged


value TArray[]

The array which will contain the copy of the message payload.

index int

The zero-based offset into value.

Type Parameters


The type of the non-pointer values in the array.



value is null.


The number of bytes in value is less than index times size of each array element plus the total size of the payload.

CopyTo<TArray>(TArray[], int, out double)

Copies the message payload into an array of non-pointer value types, starting at the specified index, and gets the message timestamp. The size in bytes of the array should be equal to or higher than the total size of the payload.

public void CopyTo<TArray>(TArray[] value, int index, out double timestamp) where TArray : unmanaged


value TArray[]

The array which will contain the copy of the message payload.

index int

The zero-based offset into value.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

Type Parameters


The type of the non-pointer values in the array.



value is null.


The number of bytes in value is less than index times size of each array element plus the total size of the payload.


The message does not have a timestamped payload.

FromByte(int, MessageType, byte)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, and a single value 8-bit unsigned integer payload.

public static HarpMessage FromByte(int address, MessageType messageType, byte value)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

value byte

The value to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type and payload.

FromByte(int, MessageType, params byte[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, and an array payload of 8-bit unsigned integers.

public static HarpMessage FromByte(int address, MessageType messageType, params byte[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values byte[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type and payload.

FromByte(int, double, MessageType, byte)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and a single value 8-bit unsigned integer payload.

public static HarpMessage FromByte(int address, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, byte value)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

value byte

The value to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and payload.

FromByte(int, double, MessageType, params byte[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and an array payload of 8-bit unsigned integers.

public static HarpMessage FromByte(int address, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, params byte[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values byte[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and payload.

FromByte(int, int, MessageType, byte)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, and a single value 8-bit unsigned integer payload.

public static HarpMessage FromByte(int address, int port, MessageType messageType, byte value)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

value byte

The value to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, and payload.

FromByte(int, int, MessageType, params byte[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, and an array payload of 8-bit unsigned integers.

public static HarpMessage FromByte(int address, int port, MessageType messageType, params byte[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values byte[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, and payload.

FromByte(int, int, double, MessageType, byte)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and a single value 8-bit unsigned integer payload.

public static HarpMessage FromByte(int address, int port, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, byte value)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

value byte

The value to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and payload.

FromByte(int, int, double, MessageType, params byte[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and an array payload of 8-bit unsigned integers.

public static HarpMessage FromByte(int address, int port, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, params byte[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values byte[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and payload.

FromInt16(int, MessageType, short)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, and a single value 16-bit signed integer payload.

public static HarpMessage FromInt16(int address, MessageType messageType, short value)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

value short

The value to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type and payload.

FromInt16(int, MessageType, params short[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, and an array payload of 16-bit signed integers.

public static HarpMessage FromInt16(int address, MessageType messageType, params short[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values short[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type and payload.

FromInt16(int, double, MessageType, short)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and a single value 16-bit signed integer payload.

public static HarpMessage FromInt16(int address, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, short value)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

value short

The value to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and payload.

FromInt16(int, double, MessageType, params short[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and an array payload of 16-bit signed integers.

public static HarpMessage FromInt16(int address, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, params short[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values short[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and payload.

FromInt16(int, int, MessageType, short)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, and a single value 16-bit signed integer payload.

public static HarpMessage FromInt16(int address, int port, MessageType messageType, short value)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

value short

The value to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, and payload.

FromInt16(int, int, MessageType, params short[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, and an array payload of 16-bit signed integers.

public static HarpMessage FromInt16(int address, int port, MessageType messageType, params short[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values short[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, and payload.

FromInt16(int, int, double, MessageType, short)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and a single value 16-bit signed integer payload.

public static HarpMessage FromInt16(int address, int port, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, short value)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

value short

The value to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and payload.

FromInt16(int, int, double, MessageType, params short[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and an array payload of 16-bit signed integers.

public static HarpMessage FromInt16(int address, int port, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, params short[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values short[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and payload.

FromInt32(int, MessageType, int)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, and a single value 32-bit signed integer payload.

public static HarpMessage FromInt32(int address, MessageType messageType, int value)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

value int

The value to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type and payload.

FromInt32(int, MessageType, params int[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, and an array payload of 32-bit signed integers.

public static HarpMessage FromInt32(int address, MessageType messageType, params int[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values int[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type and payload.

FromInt32(int, double, MessageType, int)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and a single value 32-bit signed integer payload.

public static HarpMessage FromInt32(int address, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, int value)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

value int

The value to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and payload.

FromInt32(int, double, MessageType, params int[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and an array payload of 32-bit signed integers.

public static HarpMessage FromInt32(int address, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, params int[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values int[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and payload.

FromInt32(int, int, MessageType, int)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, and a single value 32-bit signed integer payload.

public static HarpMessage FromInt32(int address, int port, MessageType messageType, int value)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

value int

The value to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, and payload.

FromInt32(int, int, MessageType, params int[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, and an array payload of 32-bit signed integers.

public static HarpMessage FromInt32(int address, int port, MessageType messageType, params int[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values int[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, and payload.

FromInt32(int, int, double, MessageType, int)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and a single value 32-bit signed integer payload.

public static HarpMessage FromInt32(int address, int port, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, int value)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

value int

The value to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and payload.

FromInt32(int, int, double, MessageType, params int[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and an array payload of 32-bit signed integers.

public static HarpMessage FromInt32(int address, int port, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, params int[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values int[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and payload.

FromInt64(int, MessageType, long)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, and a single value 64-bit signed integer payload.

public static HarpMessage FromInt64(int address, MessageType messageType, long value)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

value long

The value to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type and payload.

FromInt64(int, MessageType, params long[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, and an array payload of 64-bit signed integers.

public static HarpMessage FromInt64(int address, MessageType messageType, params long[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values long[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type and payload.

FromInt64(int, double, MessageType, long)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and a single value 64-bit signed integer payload.

public static HarpMessage FromInt64(int address, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, long value)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

value long

The value to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and payload.

FromInt64(int, double, MessageType, params long[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and an array payload of 64-bit signed integers.

public static HarpMessage FromInt64(int address, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, params long[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values long[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and payload.

FromInt64(int, int, MessageType, long)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, and a single value 64-bit signed integer payload.

public static HarpMessage FromInt64(int address, int port, MessageType messageType, long value)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

value long

The value to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, and payload.

FromInt64(int, int, MessageType, params long[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, and an array payload of 64-bit signed integers.

public static HarpMessage FromInt64(int address, int port, MessageType messageType, params long[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values long[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, and payload.

FromInt64(int, int, double, MessageType, long)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and a single value 64-bit signed integer payload.

public static HarpMessage FromInt64(int address, int port, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, long value)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

value long

The value to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and payload.

FromInt64(int, int, double, MessageType, params long[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and an array payload of 64-bit signed integers.

public static HarpMessage FromInt64(int address, int port, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, params long[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values long[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and payload.

FromPayload(int, MessageType, PayloadType, ArraySegment<byte>)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, and payload data stored in the specified array segment.

public static HarpMessage FromPayload(int address, MessageType messageType, PayloadType payloadType, ArraySegment<byte> payload)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

payloadType PayloadType

The type of data available in the message payload.

payload ArraySegment<byte>

An array segment containing the raw binary representation of the payload data.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, and payload.

FromPayload(int, MessageType, PayloadType, params byte[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, and payload.

public static HarpMessage FromPayload(int address, MessageType messageType, PayloadType payloadType, params byte[] payload)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

payloadType PayloadType

The type of data available in the message payload.

payload byte[]

The raw binary representation of the payload data.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type and payload.

FromPayload(int, double, MessageType, PayloadType, ArraySegment<byte>)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and payload data stored in the specified array segment.

public static HarpMessage FromPayload(int address, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, PayloadType payloadType, ArraySegment<byte> payload)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

payloadType PayloadType

The type of data available in the message payload.

payload ArraySegment<byte>

An array segment containing the raw binary representation of the payload data.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and payload.

FromPayload(int, double, MessageType, PayloadType, params byte[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and payload.

public static HarpMessage FromPayload(int address, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, PayloadType payloadType, params byte[] payload)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

payloadType PayloadType

The type of data available in the message payload.

payload byte[]

The raw binary representation of the payload data.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and payload.

FromPayload(int, int, MessageType, PayloadType, ArraySegment<byte>)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, and payload data stored in the specified array segment.

public static HarpMessage FromPayload(int address, int port, MessageType messageType, PayloadType payloadType, ArraySegment<byte> payload)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

payloadType PayloadType

The type of data available in the message payload.

payload ArraySegment<byte>

An array segment containing the raw binary representation of the payload data.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, and payload.

FromPayload(int, int, MessageType, PayloadType, params byte[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, and payload.

public static HarpMessage FromPayload(int address, int port, MessageType messageType, PayloadType payloadType, params byte[] payload)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

payloadType PayloadType

The type of data available in the message payload.

payload byte[]

The raw binary representation of the payload data.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, and payload.

FromPayload(int, int, double, MessageType, PayloadType, ArraySegment<byte>)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and payload data stored in the specified array segment.

public static HarpMessage FromPayload(int address, int port, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, PayloadType payloadType, ArraySegment<byte> payload)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

payloadType PayloadType

The type of data available in the message payload.

payload ArraySegment<byte>

An array segment containing the raw binary representation of the payload data.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and payload.

FromPayload(int, int, double, MessageType, PayloadType, params byte[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and payload.

public static HarpMessage FromPayload(int address, int port, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, PayloadType payloadType, params byte[] payload)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

payloadType PayloadType

The type of data available in the message payload.

payload byte[]

The raw binary representation of the payload data.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and payload.

FromSByte(int, MessageType, sbyte)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, and a single value 8-bit signed integer payload.

public static HarpMessage FromSByte(int address, MessageType messageType, sbyte value)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

value sbyte

The value to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type and payload.

FromSByte(int, MessageType, params sbyte[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, and an array payload of 8-bit signed integers.

public static HarpMessage FromSByte(int address, MessageType messageType, params sbyte[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values sbyte[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type and payload.

FromSByte(int, double, MessageType, sbyte)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and a single value 8-bit signed integer payload.

public static HarpMessage FromSByte(int address, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, sbyte value)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

value sbyte

The value to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and payload.

FromSByte(int, double, MessageType, params sbyte[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and an array payload of 8-bit signed integers.

public static HarpMessage FromSByte(int address, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, params sbyte[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values sbyte[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and payload.

FromSByte(int, int, MessageType, sbyte)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, and a single value 8-bit signed integer payload.

public static HarpMessage FromSByte(int address, int port, MessageType messageType, sbyte value)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

value sbyte

The value to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, and payload.

FromSByte(int, int, MessageType, params sbyte[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, and an array payload of 8-bit signed integers.

public static HarpMessage FromSByte(int address, int port, MessageType messageType, params sbyte[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values sbyte[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, and payload.

FromSByte(int, int, double, MessageType, sbyte)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and a single value 8-bit signed integer payload.

public static HarpMessage FromSByte(int address, int port, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, sbyte value)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

value sbyte

The value to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and payload.

FromSByte(int, int, double, MessageType, params sbyte[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and an array payload of 8-bit signed integers.

public static HarpMessage FromSByte(int address, int port, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, params sbyte[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values sbyte[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and payload.

FromSingle(int, MessageType, params float[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, and an array payload of single-precision floating point numbers.

public static HarpMessage FromSingle(int address, MessageType messageType, params float[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values float[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type and payload.

FromSingle(int, double, MessageType, params float[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and an array payload of single-precision floating point numbers.

public static HarpMessage FromSingle(int address, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, params float[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values float[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and payload.

FromSingle(int, int, MessageType, params float[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, and an array payload of single-precision floating point numbers.

public static HarpMessage FromSingle(int address, int port, MessageType messageType, params float[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values float[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, and payload.

FromSingle(int, int, double, MessageType, params float[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and an array payload of single-precision floating point numbers.

public static HarpMessage FromSingle(int address, int port, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, params float[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values float[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and payload.

FromUInt16(int, MessageType, ushort)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, and a single value 16-bit unsigned integer payload.

public static HarpMessage FromUInt16(int address, MessageType messageType, ushort value)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

value ushort

The value to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type and payload.

FromUInt16(int, MessageType, params ushort[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, and an array payload of 16-bit unsigned integers.

public static HarpMessage FromUInt16(int address, MessageType messageType, params ushort[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values ushort[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type and payload.

FromUInt16(int, double, MessageType, ushort)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and a single value 16-bit unsigned integer payload.

public static HarpMessage FromUInt16(int address, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, ushort value)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

value ushort

The value to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and payload.

FromUInt16(int, double, MessageType, params ushort[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and an array payload of 16-bit unsigned integers.

public static HarpMessage FromUInt16(int address, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, params ushort[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values ushort[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and payload.

FromUInt16(int, int, MessageType, ushort)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, and a single value 16-bit unsigned integer payload.

public static HarpMessage FromUInt16(int address, int port, MessageType messageType, ushort value)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

value ushort

The value to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, and payload.

FromUInt16(int, int, MessageType, params ushort[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, and an array payload of 16-bit unsigned integers.

public static HarpMessage FromUInt16(int address, int port, MessageType messageType, params ushort[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values ushort[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, and payload.

FromUInt16(int, int, double, MessageType, ushort)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and a single value 16-bit unsigned integer payload.

public static HarpMessage FromUInt16(int address, int port, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, ushort value)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

value ushort

The value to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and payload.

FromUInt16(int, int, double, MessageType, params ushort[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and an array payload of 16-bit unsigned integers.

public static HarpMessage FromUInt16(int address, int port, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, params ushort[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values ushort[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and payload.

FromUInt32(int, MessageType, uint)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, and a single value 32-bit unsigned integer payload.

public static HarpMessage FromUInt32(int address, MessageType messageType, uint value)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

value uint

The value to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type and payload.

FromUInt32(int, MessageType, params uint[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, and an array payload of 32-bit unsigned integers.

public static HarpMessage FromUInt32(int address, MessageType messageType, params uint[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values uint[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type and payload.

FromUInt32(int, double, MessageType, uint)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and a single value 32-bit unsigned integer payload.

public static HarpMessage FromUInt32(int address, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, uint value)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

value uint

The value to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and payload.

FromUInt32(int, double, MessageType, params uint[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and an array payload of 32-bit unsigned integers.

public static HarpMessage FromUInt32(int address, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, params uint[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values uint[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and payload.

FromUInt32(int, int, MessageType, uint)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, and a single value 32-bit unsigned integer payload.

public static HarpMessage FromUInt32(int address, int port, MessageType messageType, uint value)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

value uint

The value to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, and payload.

FromUInt32(int, int, MessageType, params uint[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, and an array payload of 32-bit unsigned integers.

public static HarpMessage FromUInt32(int address, int port, MessageType messageType, params uint[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values uint[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, and payload.

FromUInt32(int, int, double, MessageType, uint)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and a single value 32-bit unsigned integer payload.

public static HarpMessage FromUInt32(int address, int port, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, uint value)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

value uint

The value to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and payload.

FromUInt32(int, int, double, MessageType, params uint[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and an array payload of 32-bit unsigned integers.

public static HarpMessage FromUInt32(int address, int port, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, params uint[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values uint[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and payload.

FromUInt64(int, MessageType, ulong)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, and a single value 64-bit unsigned integer payload.

public static HarpMessage FromUInt64(int address, MessageType messageType, ulong value)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

value ulong

The value to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type and payload.

FromUInt64(int, MessageType, params ulong[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, and an array payload of 64-bit unsigned integers.

public static HarpMessage FromUInt64(int address, MessageType messageType, params ulong[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values ulong[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type and payload.

FromUInt64(int, double, MessageType, ulong)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and a single value 64-bit unsigned integer payload.

public static HarpMessage FromUInt64(int address, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, ulong value)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

value ulong

The value to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and payload.

FromUInt64(int, double, MessageType, params ulong[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and an array payload of 64-bit unsigned integers.

public static HarpMessage FromUInt64(int address, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, params ulong[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values ulong[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, timestamp, and payload.

FromUInt64(int, int, MessageType, ulong)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, and a single value 64-bit unsigned integer payload.

public static HarpMessage FromUInt64(int address, int port, MessageType messageType, ulong value)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

value ulong

The value to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, and payload.

FromUInt64(int, int, MessageType, params ulong[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, and an array payload of 64-bit unsigned integers.

public static HarpMessage FromUInt64(int address, int port, MessageType messageType, params ulong[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values ulong[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, and payload.

FromUInt64(int, int, double, MessageType, ulong)

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and a single value 64-bit unsigned integer payload.

public static HarpMessage FromUInt64(int address, int port, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, ulong value)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

value ulong

The value to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and payload.

FromUInt64(int, int, double, MessageType, params ulong[])

Returns a HarpMessage with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and an array payload of 64-bit unsigned integers.

public static HarpMessage FromUInt64(int address, int port, double timestamp, MessageType messageType, params ulong[] values)


address int

The address of the register to which the Harp message refers to.

port int

The origin or destination of the Harp message, for routing purposes.

timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

messageType MessageType

The type of the Harp message.

values ulong[]

The values to be stored in the payload.



A valid HarpMessage instance with the specified address, message type, port, timestamp, and payload.


Gets the array segment containing the raw message payload. This method returns a view into the original array without copying any data.

public ArraySegment<byte> GetPayload()



An ArraySegment<T> delimiting the message payload section of the message bytes.


Returns the message payload as an array of non-pointer value types. The size of the type should be a multiple of the total size of the payload.

public TArray[] GetPayloadArray<TArray>() where TArray : unmanaged



An array containing a copy of the message payload data.

Type Parameters


The type of the non-pointer values in the array.


Returns the message payload as a single 8-bit unsigned integer.

public byte GetPayloadByte()



A byte representing the message payload.


Returns the element at the specified index of the 8-bit unsigned integer array payload.

public byte GetPayloadByte(int index)


index int

The zero-based index of the array element to get.



A byte representing the element at the specified index of the array payload.


Returns the message payload as a single 16-bit signed integer.

public short GetPayloadInt16()



A short representing the message payload.


Returns the element at the specified index of the 16-bit signed integer array payload.

public short GetPayloadInt16(int index)


index int

The zero-based index of the array element to get.



A short representing the element at the specified index of the array payload.


Returns the message payload as a single 32-bit signed integer.

public int GetPayloadInt32()



An int representing the message payload.


Returns the element at the specified index of the 32-bit signed integer array payload.

public int GetPayloadInt32(int index)


index int

The zero-based index of the array element to get.



An int representing the element at the specified index of the array payload.


Returns the message payload as a single 64-bit signed integer.

public long GetPayloadInt64()



A long representing the message payload.


Returns the element at the specified index of the 64-bit signed integer array payload.

public long GetPayloadInt64(int index)


index int

The zero-based index of the array element to get.



A long representing the element at the specified index of the array payload.


Returns the message payload as a single 8-bit signed integer.

public sbyte GetPayloadSByte()



An sbyte representing the message payload.


Returns the element at the specified index of the 8-bit signed integer array payload.

public sbyte GetPayloadSByte(int index)


index int

The zero-based index of the array element to get.



An sbyte representing the element at the specified index of the array payload.


Returns the message payload as a single-precision floating point number.

public float GetPayloadSingle()



A float representing the message payload.


Returns the element at the specified index of the single-precision floating point array payload.

public float GetPayloadSingle(int index)


index int

The zero-based index of the array element to get.



A float representing the element at the specified index of the array payload.


Returns the message payload as a single 16-bit unsigned integer.

public ushort GetPayloadUInt16()



A ushort representing the message payload.


Returns the element at the specified index of the 16-bit unsigned integer array payload.

public ushort GetPayloadUInt16(int index)


index int

The zero-based index of the array element to get.



A ushort representing the element at the specified index of the array payload.


Returns the message payload as a single 32-bit unsigned integer.

public uint GetPayloadUInt32()



A uint representing the message payload.


Returns the element at the specified index of the 32-bit unsigned integer array payload.

public uint GetPayloadUInt32(int index)


index int

The zero-based index of the array element to get.



A uint representing the element at the specified index of the array payload.


Returns the message payload as a single 64-bit unsigned integer.

public ulong GetPayloadUInt64()



A ulong representing the message payload.


Returns the element at the specified index of the 64-bit unsigned integer array payload.

public ulong GetPayloadUInt64(int index)


index int

The zero-based index of the array element to get.



A ulong representing the element at the specified index of the array payload.


Gets the timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.

public double GetTimestamp()



A double representing the timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.



The message does not have a timestamped payload.


Gets the array segment containing the raw message payload and the timestamp. This method returns a view into the original array without copying any data.

public Timestamped<ArraySegment<byte>> GetTimestampedPayload()



A timestamped ArraySegment<T> delimiting the message payload section of the message bytes.



The message does not have a timestamped payload.


Returns the message payload as an array of non-pointer value types and gets the message timestamp. The size of the type should be a multiple of the total size of the payload.

public Timestamped<TArray[]> GetTimestampedPayloadArray<TArray>() where TArray : unmanaged



A timestamped array containing a copy of the message payload data.

Type Parameters


The type of the non-pointer values in the array.



The message does not have a timestamped payload.


Returns the message payload as a single 8-bit unsigned integer and gets the message timestamp.

public Timestamped<byte> GetTimestampedPayloadByte()



A timestamped byte representing the message payload.



The message does not have a timestamped payload.


Returns the element at the specified index of the 8-bit unsigned integer array payload and gets the message timestamp.

public Timestamped<byte> GetTimestampedPayloadByte(int index)


index int

The zero-based index of the array element to get.



A timestamped byte representing the element at the specified index of the array payload.



The message does not have a timestamped payload.


Returns the message payload as a single 16-bit signed integer and gets the message timestamp.

public Timestamped<short> GetTimestampedPayloadInt16()



A timestamped short representing the message payload.



The message does not have a timestamped payload.


Returns the element at the specified index of the 16-bit signed integer array payload and gets the message timestamp.

public Timestamped<short> GetTimestampedPayloadInt16(int index)


index int

The zero-based index of the array element to get.



A timestamped short representing the element at the specified index of the array payload.



The message does not have a timestamped payload.


Returns the message payload as a single 32-bit signed integer and gets the message timestamp.

public Timestamped<int> GetTimestampedPayloadInt32()



A timestamped int representing the message payload.



The message does not have a timestamped payload.


Returns the element at the specified index of the 32-bit signed integer array payload and gets the message timestamp.

public Timestamped<int> GetTimestampedPayloadInt32(int index)


index int

The zero-based index of the array element to get.



A timestamped int representing the element at the specified index of the array payload.



The message does not have a timestamped payload.


Returns the message payload as a single 64-bit signed integer and gets the message timestamp.

public Timestamped<long> GetTimestampedPayloadInt64()



A timestamped long representing the message payload.



The message does not have a timestamped payload.


Returns the element at the specified index of the 64-bit signed integer array payload and gets the message timestamp.

public Timestamped<long> GetTimestampedPayloadInt64(int index)


index int

The zero-based index of the array element to get.



A timestamped long representing the element at the specified index of the array payload.



The message does not have a timestamped payload.


Returns the message payload as a single 8-bit signed integer and gets the message timestamp.

public Timestamped<sbyte> GetTimestampedPayloadSByte()



A timestamped sbyte representing the message payload.



The message does not have a timestamped payload.


Returns the element at the specified index of the 8-bit signed integer array payload and gets the message timestamp.

public Timestamped<sbyte> GetTimestampedPayloadSByte(int index)


index int

The zero-based index of the array element to get.



A timestamped sbyte representing the element at the specified index of the array payload.



The message does not have a timestamped payload.


Returns the message payload as a single-precision floating point number and gets the message timestamp.

public Timestamped<float> GetTimestampedPayloadSingle()



A timestamped float representing the message payload.



The message does not have a timestamped payload.


Returns the element at the specified index of the single-precision floating point array payload and gets the message timestamp.

public Timestamped<float> GetTimestampedPayloadSingle(int index)


index int

The zero-based index of the array element to get.



A timestamped float representing the element at the specified index of the array payload.



The message does not have a timestamped payload.


Returns the message payload as a single 16-bit unsigned integer and gets the message timestamp.

public Timestamped<ushort> GetTimestampedPayloadUInt16()



A timestamped ushort representing the message payload.



The message does not have a timestamped payload.


Returns the element at the specified index of the 16-bit unsigned integer array payload and gets the message timestamp.

public Timestamped<ushort> GetTimestampedPayloadUInt16(int index)


index int

The zero-based index of the array element to get.



A timestamped ushort representing the element at the specified index of the array payload.



The message does not have a timestamped payload.


Returns the message payload as a single 32-bit unsigned integer and gets the message timestamp.

public Timestamped<uint> GetTimestampedPayloadUInt32()



A timestamped uint representing the message payload.



The message does not have a timestamped payload.


Returns the element at the specified index of the 32-bit unsigned integer array payload and gets the message timestamp.

public Timestamped<uint> GetTimestampedPayloadUInt32(int index)


index int

The zero-based index of the array element to get.



A timestamped uint representing the element at the specified index of the array payload.



The message does not have a timestamped payload.


Returns the message payload as a single 64-bit unsigned integer and gets the message timestamp.

public Timestamped<ulong> GetTimestampedPayloadUInt64()



A timestamped ulong representing the message payload.



The message does not have a timestamped payload.


Returns the element at the specified index of the 64-bit unsigned integer array payload and gets the message timestamp.

public Timestamped<ulong> GetTimestampedPayloadUInt64(int index)


index int

The zero-based index of the array element to get.



A timestamped ulong representing the element at the specified index of the array payload.



The message does not have a timestamped payload.


Indicates whether the Harp message matches the specified address.

public bool IsMatch(int address)


address int

The address to test for a match.



true if this Harp message matches the specified address; otherwise, false.

IsMatch(int, MessageType)

Indicates whether the Harp message matches the specified address and message type.

public bool IsMatch(int address, MessageType messageType)


address int

The address to test for a match.

messageType MessageType

The message type to test for a match.



true if this Harp message matches the specified address and message type; otherwise, false.

IsMatch(int, MessageType, PayloadType)

Indicates whether the Harp message matches the specified address, message type, and payload type.

public bool IsMatch(int address, MessageType messageType, PayloadType payloadType)


address int

The address to test for a match.

messageType MessageType

The message type to test for a match.

payloadType PayloadType

The payload type to test for a match.



true if this Harp message matches the specified address, message type, and payload type; otherwise, false.

IsMatch(int, PayloadType)

Indicates whether the Harp message matches the specified address and payload type.

public bool IsMatch(int address, PayloadType payloadType)


address int

The address to test for a match.

payloadType PayloadType

The payload type to test for a match.



true if this Harp message matches the specified address and payload type; otherwise, false.


Returns a string that represents the Harp message metadata, payload length and timestamp.

public override string ToString()



A formatted string representing the Harp message metadata, payload length and timestamp.

TryGetTimestamp(out double)

Gets the timestamp of the message payload, in seconds. A return value indicates whether the message has a timestamped payload.

public bool TryGetTimestamp(out double timestamp)


timestamp double

The timestamp of the message payload, in seconds.



true if the message has a timestamped payload; otherwise, false.