Table of Contents

Namespace Harp.LoadCells

Harp Load Cells Interface and Reader

This pair of boards can be used to acquire analog signals from load cells and output their data to a USB host. It is additionally able to emit programmable digital events.


Key Features

  • Load cells interface
    • Controls up to 2 load cells readers
    • Digital outputs can be regulated at 3V or 5V
  • Load Cells Reader
    • Up to 4 load cell sensors
    • 1kHz sampling rate
    • Load cells offset compensation


  • Load cells interface
    • 1x BNC input signal (IN0)
    • 1x BNC output signal (Out0)
    • 1x screw terminal connector interface (GND, DOUT1 to DOUT8, DIN0)
    • 2x RJ45 for digital inputs (from load cells devices)
    • 1x stereo jack for clock sync input (CLKIN)
    • 1x USB (for computer)
    • 1x power barrel connector jack (12V only)
    • 1x screw terminal connector for 5V output (GND, +5V)
  • Load Cells Reader
    • 4x flick lock connectors (X1 to X4) with 4 analog inputs each (5V, I+, I-, 0V)
    • 1x digital output [RJ45]


The interface with the Harp board can be done through Bonsai or a dedicated GUI (Graphical User Interface).

In order to use this GUI, there are some software that needs to be installed:

1 - Install the drivers.

2 - Install the runtime.

3 - Reboot the computer.

4 - Install the GUI.


Each subdirectory will contain a license or, possibly, a set of licenses if it involves both hardware and software.



name address type length access description range interfaceType
AcquisitionState 32 U8 Write Enables the data acquisition. EnableFlag
LoadCellData 33 S16 8 Event Value of single ADC read from all load cell channels. LoadCellDataPayload
DigitalInputState 34 U8 Event Status of the digital input pin 0. An event will be emitted when DI0Trigger == None. DigitalInputs
SyncOutputState 35 U8 Event Status of the digital output pin 0. An periodic event will be emitted when DO0Sync == ToggleEachSecond. SyncOutputs
DI0Trigger 39 U8 Write Configuration of the digital input pin 0. TriggerConfig
DO0Sync 40 U8 Write Configuration of the digital output pin 0. SyncConfig
DO0PulseWidth 41 U8 Write Pulse duration (ms) for the digital output pin 0. The pulse will only be emitted when DO0Sync == Pulse. [1:255]
DigitalOutputSet 42 U16 Write Set the specified digital output lines. DigitalOutputs
DigitalOutputClear 43 U16 Write Clear the specified digital output lines. DigitalOutputs
DigitalOutputToggle 44 U16 Write Toggle the specified digital output lines DigitalOutputs
DigitalOutputState 45 U16 Write, Event Write the state of all digital output lines. An event will be emitted when the value of any pin was changed by a threshold event. DigitalOutputs
OffsetLoadCell0 48 S16 Write Offset value for Load Cell channel 0. 0 [-255:255]
OffsetLoadCell1 49 S16 Write Offset value for Load Cell channel 1. 0 [-255:255]
OffsetLoadCell2 50 S16 Write Offset value for Load Cell channel 2. 0 [-255:255]
OffsetLoadCell3 51 S16 Write Offset value for Load Cell channel 3. 0 [-255:255]
OffsetLoadCell4 52 S16 Write Offset value for Load Cell channel 4. 0 [-255:255]
OffsetLoadCell5 53 S16 Write Offset value for Load Cell channel 5. 0 [-255:255]
OffsetLoadCell6 54 S16 Write Offset value for Load Cell channel 6. 0 [-255:255]
OffsetLoadCell7 55 S16 Write Offset value for Load Cell channel 7. 0 [-255:255]
DO1TargetLoadCell 58 U8 Write Target Load Cell that will be used to trigger a threshold event on DO1 pin. LoadCellChannel
DO2TargetLoadCell 59 U8 Write Target Load Cell that will be used to trigger a threshold event on DO2 pin. LoadCellChannel
DO3TargetLoadCell 60 U8 Write Target Load Cell that will be used to trigger a threshold event on DO3 pin. LoadCellChannel
DO4TargetLoadCell 61 U8 Write Target Load Cell that will be used to trigger a threshold event on DO4 pin. LoadCellChannel
DO5TargetLoadCell 62 U8 Write Target Load Cell that will be used to trigger a threshold event on DO5 pin. LoadCellChannel
DO6TargetLoadCell 63 U8 Write Target Load Cell that will be used to trigger a threshold event on DO6 pin. LoadCellChannel
DO7TargetLoadCell 64 U8 Write Target Load Cell that will be used to trigger a threshold event on DO7 pin. LoadCellChannel
DO8TargetLoadCell 65 U8 Write Target Load Cell that will be used to trigger a threshold event on DO8 pin. LoadCellChannel
DO1Threshold 66 S16 Write Value used to threshold a Load Cell read, and trigger DO1 pin.
DO2Threshold 67 S16 Write Value used to threshold a Load Cell read, and trigger DO2 pin.
DO3Threshold 68 S16 Write Value used to threshold a Load Cell read, and trigger DO3 pin.
DO4Threshold 69 S16 Write Value used to threshold a Load Cell read, and trigger DO4 pin.
DO5Threshold 70 S16 Write Value used to threshold a Load Cell read, and trigger DO5 pin.
DO6Threshold 71 S16 Write Value used to threshold a Load Cell read, and trigger DO6 pin.
DO7Threshold 72 S16 Write Value used to threshold a Load Cell read, and trigger DO7 pin.
DO8Threshold 73 S16 Write Value used to threshold a Load Cell read, and trigger DO8 pin.
DO1TimeAboveThreshold 74 U16 Write Time (ms) above threshold value that is required to trigger a DO1 pin event. 0
DO2TimeAboveThreshold 75 U16 Write Time (ms) above threshold value that is required to trigger a DO2 pin event. 0
DO3TimeAboveThreshold 76 U16 Write Time (ms) above threshold value that is required to trigger a DO3 pin event. 0
DO4TimeAboveThreshold 77 U16 Write Time (ms) above threshold value that is required to trigger a DO4 pin event. 0
DO5TimeAboveThreshold 78 U16 Write Time (ms) above threshold value that is required to trigger a DO5 pin event. 0
DO6TimeAboveThreshold 79 U16 Write Time (ms) above threshold value that is required to trigger a DO6 pin event. 0
DO7TimeAboveThreshold 80 U16 Write Time (ms) above threshold value that is required to trigger a DO7 pin event. 0
DO8TimeAboveThreshold 81 U16 Write Time (ms) above threshold value that is required to trigger a DO8 pin event. 0
DO1TimeBelowThreshold 82 U16 Write Time (ms) below threshold value that is required to trigger a DO1 pin event. 0
DO2TimeBelowThreshold 83 U16 Write Time (ms) below threshold value that is required to trigger a DO2 pin event. 0
DO3TimeBelowThreshold 84 U16 Write Time (ms) below threshold value that is required to trigger a DO3 pin event. 0
DO4TimeBelowThreshold 85 U16 Write Time (ms) below threshold value that is required to trigger a DO4 pin event. 0
DO5TimeBelowThreshold 86 U16 Write Time (ms) below threshold value that is required to trigger a DO5 pin event. 0
DO6TimeBelowThreshold 87 U16 Write Time (ms) below threshold value that is required to trigger a DO6 pin event. 0
DO7TimeBelowThreshold 88 U16 Write Time (ms) below threshold value that is required to trigger a DO7 pin event. 0
DO8TimeBelowThreshold 89 U16 Write Time (ms) below threshold value that is required to trigger a DO8 pin event. 0
EnableEvents 90 U8 Write Specifies the active events in the device. LoadCellEvents



Represents a register that enables the data acquisition.


Represents an asynchronous API to configure and interface with LoadCells devices.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that enables the data acquisition.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configuration of the digital input pin 0.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that pulse duration (ms) for the digital output pin 0. The pulse will only be emitted when DO0Sync == Pulse.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configuration of the digital output pin 0.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that target Load Cell that will be used to trigger a threshold event on DO1 pin.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that value used to threshold a Load Cell read, and trigger DO1 pin.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that time (ms) above threshold value that is required to trigger a DO1 pin event.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that time (ms) below threshold value that is required to trigger a DO1 pin event.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that target Load Cell that will be used to trigger a threshold event on DO2 pin.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that value used to threshold a Load Cell read, and trigger DO2 pin.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that time (ms) above threshold value that is required to trigger a DO2 pin event.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that time (ms) below threshold value that is required to trigger a DO2 pin event.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that target Load Cell that will be used to trigger a threshold event on DO3 pin.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that value used to threshold a Load Cell read, and trigger DO3 pin.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that time (ms) above threshold value that is required to trigger a DO3 pin event.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that time (ms) below threshold value that is required to trigger a DO3 pin event.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that target Load Cell that will be used to trigger a threshold event on DO4 pin.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that value used to threshold a Load Cell read, and trigger DO4 pin.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that time (ms) above threshold value that is required to trigger a DO4 pin event.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that time (ms) below threshold value that is required to trigger a DO4 pin event.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that target Load Cell that will be used to trigger a threshold event on DO5 pin.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that value used to threshold a Load Cell read, and trigger DO5 pin.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that time (ms) above threshold value that is required to trigger a DO5 pin event.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that time (ms) below threshold value that is required to trigger a DO5 pin event.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that target Load Cell that will be used to trigger a threshold event on DO6 pin.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that value used to threshold a Load Cell read, and trigger DO6 pin.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that time (ms) above threshold value that is required to trigger a DO6 pin event.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that time (ms) below threshold value that is required to trigger a DO6 pin event.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that target Load Cell that will be used to trigger a threshold event on DO7 pin.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that value used to threshold a Load Cell read, and trigger DO7 pin.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that time (ms) above threshold value that is required to trigger a DO7 pin event.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that time (ms) below threshold value that is required to trigger a DO7 pin event.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that target Load Cell that will be used to trigger a threshold event on DO8 pin.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that value used to threshold a Load Cell read, and trigger DO8 pin.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that time (ms) above threshold value that is required to trigger a DO8 pin event.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that time (ms) below threshold value that is required to trigger a DO8 pin event.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that status of the digital input pin 0. An event will be emitted when DI0Trigger == None.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that clear the specified digital output lines.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that set the specified digital output lines.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that write the state of all digital output lines. An event will be emitted when the value of any pin was changed by a threshold event.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that toggle the specified digital output lines.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that specifies the active events in the device.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that value of single ADC read from all load cell channels.


Represents an operator which creates standard message payloads for the LoadCells device.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that offset value for Load Cell channel 0.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that offset value for Load Cell channel 1.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that offset value for Load Cell channel 2.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that offset value for Load Cell channel 3.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that offset value for Load Cell channel 4.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that offset value for Load Cell channel 5.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that offset value for Load Cell channel 6.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that offset value for Load Cell channel 7.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that status of the digital output pin 0. An periodic event will be emitted when DO0Sync == ToggleEachSecond.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that enables the data acquisition.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configuration of the digital input pin 0.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that pulse duration (ms) for the digital output pin 0. The pulse will only be emitted when DO0Sync == Pulse.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configuration of the digital output pin 0.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that target Load Cell that will be used to trigger a threshold event on DO1 pin.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that value used to threshold a Load Cell read, and trigger DO1 pin.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that time (ms) above threshold value that is required to trigger a DO1 pin event.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that time (ms) below threshold value that is required to trigger a DO1 pin event.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that target Load Cell that will be used to trigger a threshold event on DO2 pin.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that value used to threshold a Load Cell read, and trigger DO2 pin.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that time (ms) above threshold value that is required to trigger a DO2 pin event.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that time (ms) below threshold value that is required to trigger a DO2 pin event.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that target Load Cell that will be used to trigger a threshold event on DO3 pin.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that value used to threshold a Load Cell read, and trigger DO3 pin.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that time (ms) above threshold value that is required to trigger a DO3 pin event.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that time (ms) below threshold value that is required to trigger a DO3 pin event.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that target Load Cell that will be used to trigger a threshold event on DO4 pin.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that value used to threshold a Load Cell read, and trigger DO4 pin.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that time (ms) above threshold value that is required to trigger a DO4 pin event.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that time (ms) below threshold value that is required to trigger a DO4 pin event.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that target Load Cell that will be used to trigger a threshold event on DO5 pin.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that value used to threshold a Load Cell read, and trigger DO5 pin.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that time (ms) above threshold value that is required to trigger a DO5 pin event.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that time (ms) below threshold value that is required to trigger a DO5 pin event.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that target Load Cell that will be used to trigger a threshold event on DO6 pin.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that value used to threshold a Load Cell read, and trigger DO6 pin.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that time (ms) above threshold value that is required to trigger a DO6 pin event.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that time (ms) below threshold value that is required to trigger a DO6 pin event.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that target Load Cell that will be used to trigger a threshold event on DO7 pin.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that value used to threshold a Load Cell read, and trigger DO7 pin.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that time (ms) above threshold value that is required to trigger a DO7 pin event.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that time (ms) below threshold value that is required to trigger a DO7 pin event.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that target Load Cell that will be used to trigger a threshold event on DO8 pin.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that value used to threshold a Load Cell read, and trigger DO8 pin.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that time (ms) above threshold value that is required to trigger a DO8 pin event.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that time (ms) below threshold value that is required to trigger a DO8 pin event.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that status of the digital input pin 0. An event will be emitted when DI0Trigger == None.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that clear the specified digital output lines.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that set the specified digital output lines.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that write the state of all digital output lines. An event will be emitted when the value of any pin was changed by a threshold event.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that toggle the specified digital output lines.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that specifies the active events in the device.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that value of single ADC read from all load cell channels.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that offset value for Load Cell channel 0.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that offset value for Load Cell channel 1.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that offset value for Load Cell channel 2.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that offset value for Load Cell channel 3.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that offset value for Load Cell channel 4.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that offset value for Load Cell channel 5.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that offset value for Load Cell channel 6.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that offset value for Load Cell channel 7.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that status of the digital output pin 0. An periodic event will be emitted when DO0Sync == ToggleEachSecond.


Represents a register that configuration of the digital input pin 0.


Represents a register that pulse duration (ms) for the digital output pin 0. The pulse will only be emitted when DO0Sync == Pulse.


Represents a register that configuration of the digital output pin 0.


Represents a register that target Load Cell that will be used to trigger a threshold event on DO1 pin.


Represents a register that value used to threshold a Load Cell read, and trigger DO1 pin.


Represents a register that time (ms) above threshold value that is required to trigger a DO1 pin event.


Represents a register that time (ms) below threshold value that is required to trigger a DO1 pin event.


Represents a register that target Load Cell that will be used to trigger a threshold event on DO2 pin.


Represents a register that value used to threshold a Load Cell read, and trigger DO2 pin.


Represents a register that time (ms) above threshold value that is required to trigger a DO2 pin event.


Represents a register that time (ms) below threshold value that is required to trigger a DO2 pin event.


Represents a register that target Load Cell that will be used to trigger a threshold event on DO3 pin.


Represents a register that value used to threshold a Load Cell read, and trigger DO3 pin.


Represents a register that time (ms) above threshold value that is required to trigger a DO3 pin event.


Represents a register that time (ms) below threshold value that is required to trigger a DO3 pin event.


Represents a register that target Load Cell that will be used to trigger a threshold event on DO4 pin.


Represents a register that value used to threshold a Load Cell read, and trigger DO4 pin.


Represents a register that time (ms) above threshold value that is required to trigger a DO4 pin event.


Represents a register that time (ms) below threshold value that is required to trigger a DO4 pin event.


Represents a register that target Load Cell that will be used to trigger a threshold event on DO5 pin.


Represents a register that value used to threshold a Load Cell read, and trigger DO5 pin.


Represents a register that time (ms) above threshold value that is required to trigger a DO5 pin event.


Represents a register that time (ms) below threshold value that is required to trigger a DO5 pin event.


Represents a register that target Load Cell that will be used to trigger a threshold event on DO6 pin.


Represents a register that value used to threshold a Load Cell read, and trigger DO6 pin.


Represents a register that time (ms) above threshold value that is required to trigger a DO6 pin event.


Represents a register that time (ms) below threshold value that is required to trigger a DO6 pin event.


Represents a register that target Load Cell that will be used to trigger a threshold event on DO7 pin.


Represents a register that value used to threshold a Load Cell read, and trigger DO7 pin.


Represents a register that time (ms) above threshold value that is required to trigger a DO7 pin event.


Represents a register that time (ms) below threshold value that is required to trigger a DO7 pin event.


Represents a register that target Load Cell that will be used to trigger a threshold event on DO8 pin.


Represents a register that value used to threshold a Load Cell read, and trigger DO8 pin.


Represents a register that time (ms) above threshold value that is required to trigger a DO8 pin event.


Represents a register that time (ms) below threshold value that is required to trigger a DO8 pin event.


Represents an observable source of messages from the Harp device connected at the specified serial port.


Represents a register that status of the digital input pin 0. An event will be emitted when DI0Trigger == None.


Represents a register that clear the specified digital output lines.


Represents a register that set the specified digital output lines.


Represents a register that write the state of all digital output lines. An event will be emitted when the value of any pin was changed by a threshold event.


Represents a register that toggle the specified digital output lines.


Represents a register that specifies the active events in the device.


Represents an operator that filters register-specific messages reported by the Harp.LoadCells device.


Represents an operator which formats a sequence of values as specific LoadCells register messages.


Represents an operator that groups the sequence of Harp.LoadCells" messages by register type.


Represents a register that value of single ADC read from all load cell channels.


Represents a register that offset value for Load Cell channel 0.


Represents a register that offset value for Load Cell channel 1.


Represents a register that offset value for Load Cell channel 2.


Represents a register that offset value for Load Cell channel 3.


Represents a register that offset value for Load Cell channel 4.


Represents a register that offset value for Load Cell channel 5.


Represents a register that offset value for Load Cell channel 6.


Represents a register that offset value for Load Cell channel 7.


Represents an operator which filters and selects specific messages reported by the LoadCells device.


Represents a register that status of the digital output pin 0. An periodic event will be emitted when DO0Sync == ToggleEachSecond.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the AcquisitionState register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DI0Trigger register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO0PulseWidth register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO0Sync register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO1TargetLoadCell register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO1Threshold register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO1TimeAboveThreshold register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO1TimeBelowThreshold register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO2TargetLoadCell register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO2Threshold register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO2TimeAboveThreshold register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO2TimeBelowThreshold register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO3TargetLoadCell register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO3Threshold register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO3TimeAboveThreshold register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO3TimeBelowThreshold register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO4TargetLoadCell register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO4Threshold register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO4TimeAboveThreshold register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO4TimeBelowThreshold register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO5TargetLoadCell register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO5Threshold register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO5TimeAboveThreshold register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO5TimeBelowThreshold register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO6TargetLoadCell register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO6Threshold register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO6TimeAboveThreshold register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO6TimeBelowThreshold register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO7TargetLoadCell register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO7Threshold register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO7TimeAboveThreshold register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO7TimeBelowThreshold register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO8TargetLoadCell register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO8Threshold register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO8TimeAboveThreshold register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DO8TimeBelowThreshold register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DigitalInputState register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DigitalOutputClear register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DigitalOutputSet register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DigitalOutputState register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DigitalOutputToggle register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the EnableEvents register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the LoadCellData register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the OffsetLoadCell0 register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the OffsetLoadCell1 register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the OffsetLoadCell2 register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the OffsetLoadCell3 register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the OffsetLoadCell4 register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the OffsetLoadCell5 register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the OffsetLoadCell6 register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the OffsetLoadCell7 register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the SyncOutputState register.



Represents the payload of the LoadCellData register.



Available digital input lines.


Specifies the state of port digital output lines.


Available target load cells to be targeted on threshold events.


The events that can be enabled/disabled.


Available configurations when using a digital output pin to report firmware events.


Specifies the state output synchronization lines.


Available configurations when using a digital input as an acquisition trigger.