Table of Contents

Class Device


Represents an observable source of messages from the Harp device connected at the specified serial port.



name address type length access description range interfaceType
PlaySoundOrFrequency 32 U16 Write Starts the sound index (if less than 32) or frequency (if greater or equal than 32)
Stop 33 U8 Write Any value will stop the current sound
AttenuationLeft 34 U16 Write Configure left channel's attenuation (1 LSB is 0.1dB)
AttenuationRight 35 U16 Write Configure right channel's attenuation (1 LSB is 0.1dB)
AttenuationBoth 36 U16 2 Write Configures both attenuation on right and left channels [Att R] [Att L]
AttenuationAndPlaySoundOrFreq 37 U16 3 Write Configures attenuation and plays sound index [Att R] [Att L] [Index]
InputState 40 U8 Event State of the digital inputs DigitalInputs
ConfigureDI0 41 U8 Write Configuration of the digital input 0 (DI0) DigitalInputConfiguration
ConfigureDI1 42 U8 Write Configuration of the digital input 1 (DI1) DigitalInputConfiguration
ConfigureDI2 43 U8 Write Configuration of the digital input 2 (DI2) DigitalInputConfiguration
SoundIndexDI0 44 U8 Write Specifies the sound index to be played when triggering DI0
SoundIndexDI1 45 U8 Write Specifies the sound index to be played when triggering DI1
SoundIndexDI2 46 U8 Write Specifies the sound index to be played when triggering DI2
FrequencyDI0 47 U16 Write Specifies the sound frequency to be played when triggering DI0
FrequencyDI1 48 U16 Write Specifies the sound frequency to be played when triggering DI1
FrequencyDI2 49 U16 Write Specifies the sound frequency to be played when triggering DI2
AttenuationLeftDI0 50 U16 Write Left channel's attenuation (1 LSB is 0.5dB) when triggering DI0
AttenuationLeftDI1 51 U16 Write Left channel's attenuation (1 LSB is 0.5dB) when triggering DI1
AttenuationLeftDI2 52 U16 Write Left channel's attenuation (1 LSB is 0.5dB) when triggering DI2
AttenuationRightDI0 53 U16 Write Right channel's attenuation (1 LSB is 0.5dB) when triggering DI0
AttenuationRightDI1 54 U16 Write Right channel's attenuation (1 LSB is 0.5dB) when triggering DI1
AttenuationRightDI2 55 U16 Write Right channel's attenuation (1 LSB is 0.5dB) when triggering DI2
AttenuationAndSoundIndexDI0 56 U16 3 Write Sound index and attenuation to be played when triggering DI0 [Att R] [Att L] [Index]
AttenuationAndSoundIndexDI1 57 U16 3 Write Sound index and attenuation to be played when triggering DI1 [Att R] [Att L] [Index]
AttenuationAndSoundIndexDI2 58 U16 3 Write Sound index and attenuation to be played when triggering DI2 [Att R] [Att L] [Index]
AttenuationAndFrequencyDI0 59 U16 2 Write Sound index and attenuation to be played when triggering DI0 [Att BOTH] [Frequency]
AttenuationAndFrequencyDI1 60 U16 2 Write Sound index and attenuation to be played when triggering DI1 [Att BOTH] [Frequency]
AttenuationAndFrequencyDI2 61 U16 2 Write Sound index and attenuation to be played when triggering DI2 [Att BOTH] [Frequency]
ConfigureDO0 65 U8 Write Configuration of the digital output 0 (DO0) DigitalOutputConfiguration
ConfigureDO1 66 U8 Write Configuration of the digital output 1 (DO1) DigitalOutputConfiguration
ConfigureDO2 67 U8 Write Configuration of the digital output 2 (DO2 DigitalOutputConfiguration
PulseDO0 68 U8 Write Pulse for the digital output 0 (DO0) [1:255]
PulseDO1 69 U8 Write Pulse for the digital output 1 (DO1) [1:255]
PulseDO2 70 U8 Write Pulse for the digital output 2 (DO2) [1:255]
OutputSet 74 U8 Write Set the specified digital output lines DigitalOutputs
OutputClear 75 U8 Write Clear the specified digital output lines DigitalOutputs
OutputToggle 76 U8 Write Toggle the specified digital output lines DigitalOutputs
OutputState 77 U8 Write Write the state of all digital output lines DigitalOutputs
ConfigureAdc 80 U8 Write Configuration of Analog Inputs AdcConfiguration
AnalogData 81 U16 5 Event Contains sampled analog input data or dynamic sound parameters controlled by the ADC channels. Values are zero if not used. AnalogDataPayload
Commands 82 U8 Write Send commands to PIC32 micro-controller ControllerCommand
EnableEvents 86 U8 Write Specifies the active events in the SoundCard device SoundCardEvents
[Combinator(MethodName = "Generate")]
public class Device : Device, INamedElement
Inherited Members



Initializes a new instance of the Device class.

public Device()



Represents the unique identity class of the Harp.SoundCard device. This field is constant.

public const int WhoAmI = 1280

Field Value




Gets a read-only mapping from address to register type.

public static IReadOnlyDictionary<int, Type> RegisterMap { get; }

Property Value

IReadOnlyDictionary<int, Type>



Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous API to configure and interface with SoundCard devices on the specified serial port.

public static Task<AsyncDevice> CreateAsync(string portName)


portName string

The name of the serial port used to communicate with the Harp device.



A task that represents the asynchronous initialization operation. The value of the Result parameter contains a new instance of the AsyncDevice class.