Table of Contents

Class Device


Represents an observable source of messages from the Harp device connected at the specified serial port.



name address type length access description range interfaceType
AuxInState 32 U8 Event Reports the state of the auxiliary inputs. AuxiliaryInputs
AuxInRisingEdge 33 U8 Write Enables rising edge detection on the auxiliary inputs. AuxiliaryInputs
AuxInFallingEdge 34 U8 Write Enables falling edge detection on the auxiliary input port. AuxiliaryInputs
OutputSet 35 U16 Write Set the specified digital output lines. DigitalOutputs
OutputClear 36 U16 Write Clear the specified digital output lines DigitalOutputs
OutputToggle 37 U16 Write Toggle the specified digital output lines DigitalOutputs
OutputState 38 U16 Write Write the state of all digital output lines DigitalOutputs
PwmAndStimEnable 39 U16 Write Enables PWM and stimulation on the specified digital output lines. PwmAndStimMappings
PwmAndStimDisable 40 U16 Write Disables PWM and stimulation on the specified digital output lines. PwmAndStimMappings
PwmAndStimState 41 U16 Write Writes the mapping between PWM/stimulation and the specified digital output lines in a single command. PwmAndStimMappings
Pwm0Frequency 42 Float Write Sets the frequency of PWM0 (Hz). [0.5:1000]
Pwm0DutyCycle 43 Float Write Sets the duty cycle of PWM0 (%). 50 [1:100]
Pwm0PulseCount 44 U16 Write Sets the number of pulses to generate for PWM0.
Pwm0ActualFrequency 45 Float Read Reports the actual frequency to be generated from PWM0 (Hz).
Pwm0ActualDutyCycle 46 Float Read Reports the actual duty cycle to be generated from PWM0 (%).
Pwm0AcquisitionMode 47 U8 Write Sets the acquisition mode of PWM0. AcquisitionMode
Pwm0TriggerSource 48 U8 Write Sets the trigger source of PWM0. TriggerSource
Pwm0EventConfig 49 U8 Write Enables the generation of events for PWM0. EnableFlag
Pwm1Frequency 50 Float Write Sets the frequency of PWM1 (Hz). [0.5:1000]
Pwm1DutyCycle 51 Float Write Sets the duty cycle of PWM1 (%). 50 [1:100]
Pwm1PulseCount 52 U16 Write Sets the number of pulses to generate for PWM1.
Pwm1ActualFrequency 53 Float Read Reports the actual frequency to be generated from PWM1 (Hz).
Pwm1ActualDutyCycle 54 Float Read Reports the actual duty cycle to be generated from PWM1 (%).
Pwm1AcquisitionMode 55 U8 Write Sets the acquisition mode of PWM1. AcquisitionMode
Pwm1TriggerSource 56 U8 Write Sets the trigger source of PWM1. TriggerSource
Pwm1EventConfig 57 U8 Write Enables the generation of events for PWM1. EnableFlag
Pwm2Frequency 58 Float Write Sets the frequency of PWM2 (Hz). [0.5:1000]
Pwm2DutyCycle 59 Float Write Sets the duty cycle of PWM2 (%). 50 [1:100]
Pwm2PulseCount 60 U16 Write Sets the number of pulses to generate for PWM2.
Pwm2ActualFrequency 61 Float Read Reports the actual frequency to be generated from PWM2 (Hz).
Pwm2ActualDutyCycle 62 Float Read Reports the actual duty cycle to be generated from PWM2 (%).
Pwm2AcquisitionMode 63 U8 Write Sets the acquisition mode of PWM2. AcquisitionMode
Pwm2TriggerSource 64 U8 Write Sets the trigger source of PWM2. TriggerSource
Pwm2EventConfig 65 U8 Write Enables the generation of events for PWM2. EnableFlag
PwmStart 66 U8 Write, Event Starts the a PWM on the specified channels. An event will be generated if the start was triggered by an auxiliary input. PwmChannels
PwmStop 67 U8 Write Stops the a PWM on the specified channels. PwmChannels
PwmRiseEvent 68 U8 Write, Event Enables the generation of an event on every rising edge of the PWM line. PwmChannels
Stim0PulseOnTime 69 U16 Write Sets the duration (us) each pulse is on for.
Stim0PulseOffTime 70 U16 Write Sets the duration (us) each pulse is off for.
Stim0PulseCount 71 U16 Write Sets the number of pulses to be generate when triggered.
Stim0AcquisitionMode 72 U8 Write Sets the acquisition mode of Stim0. AcquisitionMode
Stim0TriggerSource 73 U8 Write Sets the trigger source of Stim0. TriggerSource
StimStart 74 U8 Write Starts a target Stim protocol. StimChannels
StimStop 75 U8 Write Stops the target Stim protocol. StimChannels
OutputPulse 76 U16 Write Enables pulse generation on the specified digital output line. DigitalOutputs
Out0PulseWidth 77 U16 Write Sets the duration (ms) of the pulse to be generated on the specified digital output line.
Out1PulseWidth 78 U16 Write Sets the duration (ms) of the pulse to be generated on the specified digital output line.
Out2PulseWidth 79 U16 Write Sets the duration (ms) of the pulse to be generated on the specified digital output line.
Out3PulseWidth 80 U16 Write Sets the duration (ms) of the pulse to be generated on the specified digital output line.
Out4PulseWidth 81 U16 Write Sets the duration (ms) of the pulse to be generated on the specified digital output line.
Out5PulseWidth 82 U16 Write Sets the duration (ms) of the pulse to be generated on the specified digital output line.
Out6PulseWidth 83 U16 Write Sets the duration (ms) of the pulse to be generated on the specified digital output line.
Out7PulseWidth 84 U16 Write Sets the duration (ms) of the pulse to be generated on the specified digital output line.
Out8PulseWidth 85 U16 Write Sets the duration (ms) of the pulse to be generated on the specified digital output line.
Out9PulseWidth 86 U16 Write Sets the duration (ms) of the pulse to be generated on the specified digital output line.
ExpansionBoard 87 U8 Write Selects the board to be interfaced with via the expansion port. ExpansionBoardType
MagneticEncoder 90 U16 2 Event Generated event with the latest read from the magnetic encoder. MagneticEncoderPayload
MagneticEncoderSampleRate 91 U8 Write Sets the sample rate of the magnetic encoder. MagneticEncoderSampleRateMode
ServoPeriod 94 U16 Write Sets the period of the servo pulses (us).
Servo0PulseWidth 95 U16 Write Sets the pulse width of the Servo0 pulses (us).
Servo1PulseWidth 96 U16 Write Sets the pulse width of the Servo1 pulses (us).
Servo2PulseWidth 97 U16 Write Sets the pulse width of the Servo2 pulses (us).
OpticalFlow 100 S16 3 Event Generated event with the latest read from the optical flow sensor. OpticalFlowPayload
[Combinator(MethodName = "Generate")]
public class Device : Device, INamedElement
Inherited Members



Initializes a new instance of the Device class.

public Device()



Represents the unique identity class of the Harp.OutputExpander device. This field is constant.

public const int WhoAmI = 1108

Field Value




Gets a read-only mapping from address to register type.

public static IReadOnlyDictionary<int, Type> RegisterMap { get; }

Property Value

IReadOnlyDictionary<int, Type>



Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous API to configure and interface with OutputExpander devices on the specified serial port.

public static Task<AsyncDevice> CreateAsync(string portName)


portName string

The name of the serial port used to communicate with the Harp device.



A task that represents the asynchronous initialization operation. The value of the Result parameter contains a new instance of the AsyncDevice class.