Table of Contents

Class Device


Represents an observable source of messages from the Harp device connected at the specified serial port.



name address type length access description range interfaceType
DigitalInputState 32 U8 Event Reflects the state of DI digital lines of each Port DigitalInputs
OutputSet 34 U16 Write Set the specified digital output lines. DigitalOutputs
OutputClear 35 U16 Write Clear the specified digital output lines DigitalOutputs
OutputToggle 36 U16 Write Toggle the specified digital output lines DigitalOutputs
OutputState 37 U16 Write Write the state of all digital output lines DigitalOutputs
PortDIOSet 38 U8 Write Set the specified port DIO lines PortDigitalIOS
PortDIOClear 39 U8 Write Clear the specified port DIO lines PortDigitalIOS
PortDIOToggle 40 U8 Write Toggle the specified port DIO lines PortDigitalIOS
PortDIOState 41 U8 Write Write the state of all port DIO lines PortDigitalIOS
PortDIODirection 42 U8 Write Specifies which of the port DIO lines are outputs PortDigitalIOS
PortDIOStateEvent 43 U8 Event Specifies the state of the port DIO lines on a line change PortDigitalIOS
AnalogData 44 S16 3 Event Voltage at the ADC input and encoder value on Port 2 AnalogDataPayload
OutputPulseEnable 45 U16 Write Enables the pulse function for the specified output lines DigitalOutputs
PulseDOPort0 46 U16 Write Specifies the duration of the output pulse in milliseconds. [1:]
PulseDOPort1 47 U16 Write Specifies the duration of the output pulse in milliseconds. [1:]
PulseDOPort2 48 U16 Write Specifies the duration of the output pulse in milliseconds. [1:]
PulseSupplyPort0 49 U16 Write Specifies the duration of the output pulse in milliseconds. [1:]
PulseSupplyPort1 50 U16 Write Specifies the duration of the output pulse in milliseconds. [1:]
PulseSupplyPort2 51 U16 Write Specifies the duration of the output pulse in milliseconds. [1:]
PulseLed0 52 U16 Write Specifies the duration of the output pulse in milliseconds. [1:]
PulseLed1 53 U16 Write Specifies the duration of the output pulse in milliseconds. [1:]
PulseRgb0 54 U16 Write Specifies the duration of the output pulse in milliseconds. [1:]
PulseRgb1 55 U16 Write Specifies the duration of the output pulse in milliseconds. [1:]
PulseDO0 56 U16 Write Specifies the duration of the output pulse in milliseconds. [1:]
PulseDO1 57 U16 Write Specifies the duration of the output pulse in milliseconds. [1:]
PulseDO2 58 U16 Write Specifies the duration of the output pulse in milliseconds. [1:]
PulseDO3 59 U16 Write Specifies the duration of the output pulse in milliseconds. [1:]
PwmFrequencyDO0 60 U16 Write Specifies the frequency of the PWM at DO0. [1:]
PwmFrequencyDO1 61 U16 Write Specifies the frequency of the PWM at DO1. [1:]
PwmFrequencyDO2 62 U16 Write Specifies the frequency of the PWM at DO2. [1:]
PwmFrequencyDO3 63 U16 Write Specifies the frequency of the PWM at DO3. [1:]
PwmDutyCycleDO0 64 U8 Write Specifies the duty cycle of the PWM at DO0. [1:99]
PwmDutyCycleDO1 65 U8 Write Specifies the duty cycle of the PWM at DO1. [1:99]
PwmDutyCycleDO2 66 U8 Write Specifies the duty cycle of the PWM at DO2. [1:99]
PwmDutyCycleDO3 67 U8 Write Specifies the duty cycle of the PWM at DO3. [1:99]
PwmStart 68 U8 Write Starts the PWM on the selected output lines. PwmOutputs
PwmStop 69 U8 Write Stops the PWM on the selected output lines. PwmOutputs
RgbAll 70 U8 6 Write Specifies the state of all RGB LED channels. RgbAllPayload
Rgb0 71 U8 3 Write Specifies the state of the RGB0 LED channels. RgbPayload
Rgb1 72 U8 3 Write Specifies the state of the RGB1 LED channels. RgbPayload
Led0Current 73 U8 Write Specifies the configuration of current to drive LED 0. [2:100]
Led1Current 74 U8 Write Specifies the configuration of current to drive LED 1. [2:100]
Led0MaxCurrent 75 U8 Write Specifies the configuration of current to drive LED 0. [5:100]
Led1MaxCurrent 76 U8 Write Specifies the configuration of current to drive LED 1. [5:100]
EventEnable 77 U8 Write Specifies the active events in the device. Events
StartCameras 78 U8 Write Specifies the camera outputs to enable in the device. CameraOutputs
StopCameras 79 U8 Write Specifies the camera outputs to disable in the device. CameraOutputs
EnableServos 80 U8 Write Specifies the servo outputs to enable in the device. ServoOutputs
DisableServos 81 U8 Write Specifies the servo outputs to disable in the device. ServoOutputs
EnableEncoders 82 U8 Write Specifies the port quadrature counters to enable in the device. EncoderInputs
EncoderMode 83 U8 Write Configures the operation mode of the quadrature encoders. EncoderModeConfig
Camera0Frame 92 U8 Event Specifies that a frame was acquired on camera 0. FrameAcquired
Camera0Frequency 93 U16 Write Specifies the trigger frequency for camera 0. [1:600]
Camera1Frame 94 U8 Event Specifies that a frame was acquired on camera 1. FrameAcquired
Camera1Frequency 95 U16 Write Specifies the trigger frequency for camera 1. [1:600]
ServoMotor2Period 100 U16 Write Specifies the period of the servo motor in DO2, in microseconds. [2:65534]
ServoMotor2Pulse 101 U16 Write Specifies the pulse of the servo motor in DO2, in microseconds. [6:65530]
ServoMotor3Period 102 U16 Write Specifies the period of the servo motor in DO3, in microseconds. [2:65534]
ServoMotor3Pulse 103 U16 Write Specifies the pulse of the servo motor in DO3, in microseconds. [6:65530]
EncoderReset 108 U8 Write Reset the counter of the specified encoders to zero. EncoderInputs
EnableSerialTimestamp 110 U8 Write Enables the timestamp for serial TX.
MimicPort0IR 111 U8 Write Specifies the digital output to mimic the Port 0 IR state. MimicOutput
MimicPort1IR 112 U8 Write Specifies the digital output to mimic the Port 1 IR state. MimicOutput
MimicPort2IR 113 U8 Write Specifies the digital output to mimic the Port 2 IR state. MimicOutput
MimicPort0Valve 117 U8 Write Specifies the digital output to mimic the Port 0 valve state. MimicOutput
MimicPort1Valve 118 U8 Write Specifies the digital output to mimic the Port 1 valve state. MimicOutput
MimicPort2Valve 119 U8 Write Specifies the digital output to mimic the Port 2 valve state. MimicOutput
PokeInputFilter 122 U8 Write Specifies the low pass filter time value for poke inputs, in ms.
[Combinator(MethodName = "Generate")]
public class Device : Device, INamedElement
Inherited Members



Initializes a new instance of the Device class.

public Device()



Represents the unique identity class of the Harp.Behavior device. This field is constant.

public const int WhoAmI = 1216

Field Value




Gets a read-only mapping from address to register type.

public static IReadOnlyDictionary<int, Type> RegisterMap { get; }

Property Value

IReadOnlyDictionary<int, Type>



Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous API to configure and interface with Behavior devices on the specified serial port.

public static Task<AsyncDevice> CreateAsync(string portName)


portName string

The name of the serial port used to communicate with the Harp device.



A task that represents the asynchronous initialization operation. The value of the Result parameter contains a new instance of the AsyncDevice class.