Table of Contents

Namespace Harp.StepperDriver

Harp Stepper Driver

A stepper motor controller device for four motors including individual quadrature encoders..

Key Features

  • Individual control of maximum output current for each motor
  • Individual motor current up to 2A
  • Two control modes
    • Position set
    • Speed control


  • 1 USB Mini port
  • 1 Motor supply input voltage (up to 35V)
  • 4 motors
  • 4 quadrature encoders


The interface with the Harp Behavior can be done through Bonsai


Each subdirectory will contain a license or, possibly, a set of licenses if it involves both hardware and software.



name address type length access description range interfaceType
EnableDriver 32 U8 Write Enables the driver for a specific motor. If the driver is already enabled, the driver remains enabled. StepperMotors
DisableDriver 33 U8 Write Disables the driver for a specific stepper motor, which prevents current from being sent to the motor or load. If the driver is already disabled, the driver remains disabled. StepperMotors
EnableEncoders 34 U8 Write Specifies a set of port quadrature counters to enable in the device. QuadratureEncoders
DisableEncoders 35 U8 Write Specifies a set of port quadrature counters to disable in the device. QuadratureEncoders
EnableDigitalInputs 36 U8 Write Specifies a set of digital inputs to enable in the device. DigitalInputs
DisableDigitalInputs 37 U8 Write Specifies a set of digital inputs to disable in the device. DigitalInputs
Motor0OperationMode 38 U8 Write Configures the operation mode for motor 0. MotorOperationMode
Motor1OperationMode 39 U8 Write Configures the operation mode for motor 1. MotorOperationMode
Motor2OperationMode 40 U8 Write Configures the operation mode for motor 2. MotorOperationMode
Motor3OperationMode 41 U8 Write Configures the operation mode for motor 3. MotorOperationMode
Motor0MicrostepResolution 42 U8 Write Configures the microstep resolution for motor 0. MicrostepResolution
Motor1MicrostepResolution 43 U8 Write Configures the microstep resolution for motor 1. MicrostepResolution
Motor2MicrostepResolution 44 U8 Write Configures the microstep resolution for motor 2. MicrostepResolution
Motor3MicrostepResolution 45 U8 Write Configures the microstep resolution for motor 3. MicrostepResolution
Motor0MaximumRunCurrent 46 Float Write Configures the maximum run RMS current per phase for motor 0. 0.2 [0.139:2.1]
Motor1MaximumRunCurrent 47 Float Write Configures the maximum run RMS current per phase for motor 1. 0.2 [0.139:2.1]
Motor2MaximumRunCurrent 48 Float Write Configures the maximum run RMS current per phase for motor 2. 0.2 [0.139:2.1]
Motor3MaximumRunCurrent 49 Float Write Configures the maximum run RMS current per phase for motor 3. 0.2 [0.139:2.1]
Motor0HoldCurrentReduction 50 U8 Write Configures the hold current reduction for motor 0. HoldCurrentReduction
Motor1HoldCurrentReduction 51 U8 Write Configures the hold current reduction for motor 1. HoldCurrentReduction
Motor2HoldCurrentReduction 52 U8 Write Configures the hold current reduction for motor 2. HoldCurrentReduction
Motor3HoldCurrentReduction 53 U8 Write Configures the hold current reduction for motor 3. HoldCurrentReduction
Motor0StepInterval 54 U16 Write Configures the time between step motor pulses (us) when running at nominal speed for motor 0. 250 [100:20000]
Motor1StepInterval 55 U16 Write Configures the time between step motor pulses (us) when running at nominal speed for motor 1. 250 [100:20000]
Motor2StepInterval 56 U16 Write Configures the time between step motor pulses (us) when running at nominal speed for motor 2. 250 [100:20000]
Motor3StepInterval 57 U16 Write Configures the time between step motor pulses (us) when running at nominal speed for motor 3. 250 [100:20000]
Motor0MaximumStepInterval 58 U16 Write Configures the time between step motor pulses (us) used when starting or stopping a movement for motor 0. 2000 [100:20000]
Motor1MaximumStepInterval 59 U16 Write Configures the time between step motor pulses (us) used when starting or stopping a movement for motor 1. 2000 [100:20000]
Motor2MaximumStepInterval 60 U16 Write Configures the time between step motor pulses (us) used when starting or stopping a movement for motor 2. 2000 [100:20000]
Motor3MaximumStepInterval 61 U16 Write Configures the time between step motor pulses (us) used when starting or stopping a movement for motor 3. 2000 [100:20000]
Motor0StepAccelerationInterval 62 U16 Write Configures the acceleration for motor 0. The time between step pulses is decreased by this value when accelerating and increased when decelerating. 10 [2:2000]
Motor1StepAccelerationInterval 63 U16 Write Configures the acceleration for motor 1. The time between step pulses is decreased by this value when accelerating and increased when decelerating. 10 [2:2000]
Motor2StepAccelerationInterval 64 U16 Write Configures the acceleration for motor 2. The time between step pulses is decreased by this value when accelerating and increased when decelerating. 10 [2:2000]
Motor3StepAccelerationInterval 65 U16 Write Configures the acceleration for motor 3. The time between step pulses is decreased by this value when accelerating and increased when decelerating. 10 [2:2000]
EncoderMode 66 U8 Write Configures the operation mode of the quadrature encoder. EncoderModeConfig
EncoderSamplingRate 67 U8 Write Configures the sampling rate of the quadrature encoder event. EncoderSamplingRateConfig
Input0OpMode 68 U8 Write Configures the operation mode for digital input 0. InputOpModeConfig
Input1OpMode 69 U8 Write Configures the operation mode for digital input 1. InputOpModeConfig
Input2OpMode 70 U8 Write Configures the operation mode for digital input 2. InputOpModeConfig
Input3OpMode 71 U8 Write Configures the operation mode for digital input 3. InputOpModeConfig
InterlockEnabled 72 U8 Write Configures the external interlock connector state required for the device to be enabled. InterlockEnabledConfig
AccumulatedStepsSamplingRate 73 U8 Write Configures the dispatch rate of the accumulated steps event. AccumulatedStepsSamplingRateConfig
MotorStopped 74 U8 Event Emitted when any of the motors stops. MotorStoppedPayload
MotorOverVoltageDetection 75 U8 Event Contains a bit mask specifying the motor where the over voltage detection and protection mechanism occurred, which can happen when the there's a quick deceleration from a high velocity or when the motor stalls (not implemented). StepperMotors
MotorRaisedError 76 U8 Event Contains a bit mask specifying the motor that triggered the error which can be happen in case of short-circuit or driver temperature above 165 degrees celsius. StepperMotors
Encoders 77 S16 3 Event, Write Contains the quadrature encoder readings. EncodersPayload
DigitalInputState 78 U8 Event Reflects the state of the digital input lines. DigitalInputStates
DeviceState 79 U8 Event Contains the state of the device. DeviceStateMode
MoveRelative 80 S32 4 Write Moves all motors by the number of steps written in this array register and set the direction according to the value's signal. If a motor is disable, the user should set the value to 0. MoveRelativePayload
Motor0MoveRelative 81 S32 Write Moves motor 0 by the number of steps written in this register and set the direction according to the value's signal.
Motor1MoveRelative 82 S32 Write Moves motor 1 by the number of steps written in this register and set the direction according to the value's signal.
Motor2MoveRelative 83 S32 Write Moves motor 2 by the number of steps written in this register and set the direction according to the value's signal.
Motor3MoveRelative 84 S32 Write Moves motor 3 by the number of steps written in this register and set the direction according to the value's signal.
MoveAbsolute 85 S32 4 Write Moves all motors to the absolute position written in this array register. If a motor is disable, the user should set the value to 0. MoveAbsolutePayload
Motor0MoveAbsolute 86 S32 Write Moves motor 0 to the absolute position written in this register.
Motor1MoveAbsolute 87 S32 Write Moves motor 1 to the absolute position written in this register.
Motor2MoveAbsolute 88 S32 Write Moves motor 2 to the absolute position written in this register.
Motor3MoveAbsolute 89 S32 Write Moves motor 3 to the absolute position written in this register.
AccumulatedSteps 90 S32 4 Event, Write Contains the accumulated steps of all motors. Write a value to set the accumulated steps. An event will be emitted with a dispatch rate defined in AccumulatedStepsSamplingRate. AccumulatedStepsPayload
Mortor0AccumulatedSteps 91 S32 Write Contains the accumulated number of steps of motor 0. Write a value to set the current number of accumulated steps.
Mortor1AccumulatedSteps 92 S32 Write Contains the accumulated number of steps of motor 1. Write a value to set the current number of accumulated steps.
Mortor2AccumulatedSteps 93 S32 Write Contains the accumulated number of steps of motor 2. Write a value to set the current number of accumulated steps.
Mortor3AccumulatedSteps 94 S32 Write Contains the accumulated number of steps of motor 3. Write a value to set the current number of accumulated steps.
MaxPosition 95 S32 4 Write Defines the limit of the accumulated steps for the positive movement of all motors. The device will not let the motors move further than this value. A value equal to 0 will disable the limits. MaxPositionPayload
Motor0MaxPosition 96 S32 Write Specifies the limit of the accumulated steps for the positive movement of motor 0. The device will not let the motor move further than this value. A value equal to 0 disables the feature.
Motor1MaxPosition 97 S32 Write Specifies the limit of the accumulated steps for the positive movement of motor 1. The device will not let the motor move further than this value. A value equal to 0 disables the feature.
Motor2MaxPosition 98 S32 Write Specifies the limit of the accumulated steps for the positive movement of motor 2. The device will not let the motor move further than this value. A value equal to 0 disables the feature.
Motor3MaxPosition 99 S32 Write Specifies the limit of the accumulated steps for the positive movement of motor 3. The device will not let the motor move further than this value. A value equal to 0 disables the feature.
MinPosition 100 S32 4 Write Defines the limit of the accumulated steps for the negative movement of all motors. The device will not let the motors move further than this value. A value equal to 0 will disable the limits. MinPositionPayload
Motor0MinPosition 101 S32 Write Specifies the limit of the accumulated steps for the negative movement of motor 0. The device will not let the motor move further than this value. A value equal to 0 disables the feature.
Motor1MinPosition 102 S32 Write Specifies the limit of the accumulated steps for the negative movement of motor 1. The device will not let the motor move further than this value. A value equal to 0 disables the feature.
Motor2MinPosition 103 S32 Write Specifies the limit of the accumulated steps for the negative movement of motor 2. The device will not let the motor move further than this value. A value equal to 0 disables the feature.
Motor3MinPosition 104 S32 Write Specifies the limit of the accumulated steps for the negative movement of motor 3. The device will not let the motor move further than this value. A value equal to 0 disables the feature.
StepRelative 105 S32 4 Write Starts the movement of all motors with the step interval defined by this array. The value's signal defines the direction. StepRelativePayload
Motor0StepRelative 106 S32 Write Starts the movement of motor 0 with the step interval defined by this register, disregarding the acceleration protocol. The sign of the value specifies the direction.
Motor1StepRelative 107 S32 Write Starts the movement of motor 1 with the step interval defined by this register, disregarding the acceleration protocol. The sign of the value specifies the direction.
Motor2StepRelative 108 S32 Write Starts the movement of motor 2 with the step interval defined by this register, disregarding the acceleration protocol. The sign of the value specifies the direction.
Motor3StepRelative 109 S32 Write Starts the movement of motor 3 with the step interval defined by this register, disregarding the acceleration protocol. The sign of the value specifies the direction.
StopMotors 110 U8 Write Stops the motors selected in the bit-mask immediately. StepperMotors
ResetEncoders 112 U8 Write Resets the encoder. QuadratureEncoders



Represents a register that contains the accumulated steps of all motors. Write a value to set the accumulated steps. An event will be emitted with a dispatch rate defined in AccumulatedStepsSamplingRate.


Represents a register that configures the dispatch rate of the accumulated steps event.


Represents an asynchronous API to configure and interface with StepperDriver devices.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that contains the accumulated steps of all motors. Write a value to set the accumulated steps. An event will be emitted with a dispatch rate defined in AccumulatedStepsSamplingRate.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the dispatch rate of the accumulated steps event.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that contains the state of the device.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that reflects the state of the digital input lines.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that specifies a set of digital inputs to disable in the device.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that disables the driver for a specific stepper motor, which prevents current from being sent to the motor or load. If the driver is already disabled, the driver remains disabled.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that specifies a set of port quadrature counters to disable in the device.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that specifies a set of digital inputs to enable in the device.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that enables the driver for a specific motor. If the driver is already enabled, the driver remains enabled.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that specifies a set of port quadrature counters to enable in the device.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the operation mode of the quadrature encoder.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the sampling rate of the quadrature encoder event.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that contains the quadrature encoder readings.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the operation mode for digital input 0.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the operation mode for digital input 1.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the operation mode for digital input 2.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the operation mode for digital input 3.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the external interlock connector state required for the device to be enabled.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that defines the limit of the accumulated steps for the positive movement of all motors. The device will not let the motors move further than this value. A value equal to 0 will disable the limits.


Represents an operator which creates standard message payloads for the StepperDriver device.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that defines the limit of the accumulated steps for the negative movement of all motors. The device will not let the motors move further than this value. A value equal to 0 will disable the limits.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that contains the accumulated number of steps of motor 0. Write a value to set the current number of accumulated steps.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that contains the accumulated number of steps of motor 1. Write a value to set the current number of accumulated steps.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that contains the accumulated number of steps of motor 2. Write a value to set the current number of accumulated steps.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that contains the accumulated number of steps of motor 3. Write a value to set the current number of accumulated steps.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the hold current reduction for motor 0.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that specifies the limit of the accumulated steps for the positive movement of motor 0. The device will not let the motor move further than this value. A value equal to 0 disables the feature.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the maximum run RMS current per phase for motor 0.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the time between step motor pulses (us) used when starting or stopping a movement for motor 0.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the microstep resolution for motor 0.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that specifies the limit of the accumulated steps for the negative movement of motor 0. The device will not let the motor move further than this value. A value equal to 0 disables the feature.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that moves motor 0 to the absolute position written in this register.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that moves motor 0 by the number of steps written in this register and set the direction according to the value's signal.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the operation mode for motor 0.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the acceleration for motor 0. The time between step pulses is decreased by this value when accelerating and increased when decelerating.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the time between step motor pulses (us) when running at nominal speed for motor 0.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that starts the movement of motor 0 with the step interval defined by this register, disregarding the acceleration protocol. The sign of the value specifies the direction.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the hold current reduction for motor 1.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that specifies the limit of the accumulated steps for the positive movement of motor 1. The device will not let the motor move further than this value. A value equal to 0 disables the feature.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the maximum run RMS current per phase for motor 1.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the time between step motor pulses (us) used when starting or stopping a movement for motor 1.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the microstep resolution for motor 1.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that specifies the limit of the accumulated steps for the negative movement of motor 1. The device will not let the motor move further than this value. A value equal to 0 disables the feature.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that moves motor 1 to the absolute position written in this register.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that moves motor 1 by the number of steps written in this register and set the direction according to the value's signal.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the operation mode for motor 1.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the acceleration for motor 1. The time between step pulses is decreased by this value when accelerating and increased when decelerating.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the time between step motor pulses (us) when running at nominal speed for motor 1.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that starts the movement of motor 1 with the step interval defined by this register, disregarding the acceleration protocol. The sign of the value specifies the direction.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the hold current reduction for motor 2.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that specifies the limit of the accumulated steps for the positive movement of motor 2. The device will not let the motor move further than this value. A value equal to 0 disables the feature.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the maximum run RMS current per phase for motor 2.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the time between step motor pulses (us) used when starting or stopping a movement for motor 2.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the microstep resolution for motor 2.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that specifies the limit of the accumulated steps for the negative movement of motor 2. The device will not let the motor move further than this value. A value equal to 0 disables the feature.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that moves motor 2 to the absolute position written in this register.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that moves motor 2 by the number of steps written in this register and set the direction according to the value's signal.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the operation mode for motor 2.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the acceleration for motor 2. The time between step pulses is decreased by this value when accelerating and increased when decelerating.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the time between step motor pulses (us) when running at nominal speed for motor 2.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that starts the movement of motor 2 with the step interval defined by this register, disregarding the acceleration protocol. The sign of the value specifies the direction.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the hold current reduction for motor 3.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that specifies the limit of the accumulated steps for the positive movement of motor 3. The device will not let the motor move further than this value. A value equal to 0 disables the feature.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the maximum run RMS current per phase for motor 3.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the time between step motor pulses (us) used when starting or stopping a movement for motor 3.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the microstep resolution for motor 3.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that specifies the limit of the accumulated steps for the negative movement of motor 3. The device will not let the motor move further than this value. A value equal to 0 disables the feature.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that moves motor 3 to the absolute position written in this register.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that moves motor 3 by the number of steps written in this register and set the direction according to the value's signal.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the operation mode for motor 3.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the acceleration for motor 3. The time between step pulses is decreased by this value when accelerating and increased when decelerating.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that configures the time between step motor pulses (us) when running at nominal speed for motor 3.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that starts the movement of motor 3 with the step interval defined by this register, disregarding the acceleration protocol. The sign of the value specifies the direction.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that contains a bit mask specifying the motor where the over voltage detection and protection mechanism occurred, which can happen when the there's a quick deceleration from a high velocity or when the motor stalls (not implemented).


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that contains a bit mask specifying the motor that triggered the error which can be happen in case of short-circuit or driver temperature above 165 degrees celsius.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that emitted when any of the motors stops.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that moves all motors to the absolute position written in this array register. If a motor is disable, the user should set the value to 0.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that moves all motors by the number of steps written in this array register and set the direction according to the value's signal. If a motor is disable, the user should set the value to 0.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that resets the encoder.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that starts the movement of all motors with the step interval defined by this array. The value's signal defines the direction.


Represents an operator that creates a message payload that stops the motors selected in the bit-mask immediately.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that contains the accumulated steps of all motors. Write a value to set the accumulated steps. An event will be emitted with a dispatch rate defined in AccumulatedStepsSamplingRate.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the dispatch rate of the accumulated steps event.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that contains the state of the device.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that reflects the state of the digital input lines.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that specifies a set of digital inputs to disable in the device.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that disables the driver for a specific stepper motor, which prevents current from being sent to the motor or load. If the driver is already disabled, the driver remains disabled.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that specifies a set of port quadrature counters to disable in the device.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that specifies a set of digital inputs to enable in the device.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that enables the driver for a specific motor. If the driver is already enabled, the driver remains enabled.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that specifies a set of port quadrature counters to enable in the device.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the operation mode of the quadrature encoder.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the sampling rate of the quadrature encoder event.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that contains the quadrature encoder readings.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the operation mode for digital input 0.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the operation mode for digital input 1.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the operation mode for digital input 2.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the operation mode for digital input 3.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the external interlock connector state required for the device to be enabled.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that defines the limit of the accumulated steps for the positive movement of all motors. The device will not let the motors move further than this value. A value equal to 0 will disable the limits.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that defines the limit of the accumulated steps for the negative movement of all motors. The device will not let the motors move further than this value. A value equal to 0 will disable the limits.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that contains the accumulated number of steps of motor 0. Write a value to set the current number of accumulated steps.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that contains the accumulated number of steps of motor 1. Write a value to set the current number of accumulated steps.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that contains the accumulated number of steps of motor 2. Write a value to set the current number of accumulated steps.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that contains the accumulated number of steps of motor 3. Write a value to set the current number of accumulated steps.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the hold current reduction for motor 0.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that specifies the limit of the accumulated steps for the positive movement of motor 0. The device will not let the motor move further than this value. A value equal to 0 disables the feature.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the maximum run RMS current per phase for motor 0.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the time between step motor pulses (us) used when starting or stopping a movement for motor 0.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the microstep resolution for motor 0.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that specifies the limit of the accumulated steps for the negative movement of motor 0. The device will not let the motor move further than this value. A value equal to 0 disables the feature.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that moves motor 0 to the absolute position written in this register.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that moves motor 0 by the number of steps written in this register and set the direction according to the value's signal.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the operation mode for motor 0.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the acceleration for motor 0. The time between step pulses is decreased by this value when accelerating and increased when decelerating.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the time between step motor pulses (us) when running at nominal speed for motor 0.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that starts the movement of motor 0 with the step interval defined by this register, disregarding the acceleration protocol. The sign of the value specifies the direction.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the hold current reduction for motor 1.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that specifies the limit of the accumulated steps for the positive movement of motor 1. The device will not let the motor move further than this value. A value equal to 0 disables the feature.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the maximum run RMS current per phase for motor 1.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the time between step motor pulses (us) used when starting or stopping a movement for motor 1.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the microstep resolution for motor 1.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that specifies the limit of the accumulated steps for the negative movement of motor 1. The device will not let the motor move further than this value. A value equal to 0 disables the feature.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that moves motor 1 to the absolute position written in this register.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that moves motor 1 by the number of steps written in this register and set the direction according to the value's signal.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the operation mode for motor 1.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the acceleration for motor 1. The time between step pulses is decreased by this value when accelerating and increased when decelerating.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the time between step motor pulses (us) when running at nominal speed for motor 1.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that starts the movement of motor 1 with the step interval defined by this register, disregarding the acceleration protocol. The sign of the value specifies the direction.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the hold current reduction for motor 2.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that specifies the limit of the accumulated steps for the positive movement of motor 2. The device will not let the motor move further than this value. A value equal to 0 disables the feature.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the maximum run RMS current per phase for motor 2.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the time between step motor pulses (us) used when starting or stopping a movement for motor 2.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the microstep resolution for motor 2.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that specifies the limit of the accumulated steps for the negative movement of motor 2. The device will not let the motor move further than this value. A value equal to 0 disables the feature.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that moves motor 2 to the absolute position written in this register.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that moves motor 2 by the number of steps written in this register and set the direction according to the value's signal.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the operation mode for motor 2.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the acceleration for motor 2. The time between step pulses is decreased by this value when accelerating and increased when decelerating.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the time between step motor pulses (us) when running at nominal speed for motor 2.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that starts the movement of motor 2 with the step interval defined by this register, disregarding the acceleration protocol. The sign of the value specifies the direction.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the hold current reduction for motor 3.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that specifies the limit of the accumulated steps for the positive movement of motor 3. The device will not let the motor move further than this value. A value equal to 0 disables the feature.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the maximum run RMS current per phase for motor 3.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the time between step motor pulses (us) used when starting or stopping a movement for motor 3.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the microstep resolution for motor 3.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that specifies the limit of the accumulated steps for the negative movement of motor 3. The device will not let the motor move further than this value. A value equal to 0 disables the feature.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that moves motor 3 to the absolute position written in this register.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that moves motor 3 by the number of steps written in this register and set the direction according to the value's signal.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the operation mode for motor 3.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the acceleration for motor 3. The time between step pulses is decreased by this value when accelerating and increased when decelerating.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that configures the time between step motor pulses (us) when running at nominal speed for motor 3.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that starts the movement of motor 3 with the step interval defined by this register, disregarding the acceleration protocol. The sign of the value specifies the direction.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that contains a bit mask specifying the motor where the over voltage detection and protection mechanism occurred, which can happen when the there's a quick deceleration from a high velocity or when the motor stalls (not implemented).


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that contains a bit mask specifying the motor that triggered the error which can be happen in case of short-circuit or driver temperature above 165 degrees celsius.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that emitted when any of the motors stops.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that moves all motors to the absolute position written in this array register. If a motor is disable, the user should set the value to 0.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that moves all motors by the number of steps written in this array register and set the direction according to the value's signal. If a motor is disable, the user should set the value to 0.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that resets the encoder.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that starts the movement of all motors with the step interval defined by this array. The value's signal defines the direction.


Represents an operator that creates a timestamped message payload that stops the motors selected in the bit-mask immediately.


Represents an observable source of messages from the Harp device connected at the specified serial port.


Represents a register that contains the state of the device.


Represents a register that reflects the state of the digital input lines.


Represents a register that specifies a set of digital inputs to disable in the device.


Represents a register that disables the driver for a specific stepper motor, which prevents current from being sent to the motor or load. If the driver is already disabled, the driver remains disabled.


Represents a register that specifies a set of port quadrature counters to disable in the device.


Represents a register that specifies a set of digital inputs to enable in the device.


Represents a register that enables the driver for a specific motor. If the driver is already enabled, the driver remains enabled.


Represents a register that specifies a set of port quadrature counters to enable in the device.


Represents a register that configures the operation mode of the quadrature encoder.


Represents a register that configures the sampling rate of the quadrature encoder event.


Represents a register that contains the quadrature encoder readings.


Represents an operator that filters register-specific messages reported by the Harp.StepperDriver device.


Represents an operator which formats a sequence of values as specific StepperDriver register messages.


Represents an operator that groups the sequence of Harp.StepperDriver" messages by register type.


Represents a register that configures the operation mode for digital input 0.


Represents a register that configures the operation mode for digital input 1.


Represents a register that configures the operation mode for digital input 2.


Represents a register that configures the operation mode for digital input 3.


Represents a register that configures the external interlock connector state required for the device to be enabled.


Represents a register that defines the limit of the accumulated steps for the positive movement of all motors. The device will not let the motors move further than this value. A value equal to 0 will disable the limits.


Represents a register that defines the limit of the accumulated steps for the negative movement of all motors. The device will not let the motors move further than this value. A value equal to 0 will disable the limits.


Represents a register that contains the accumulated number of steps of motor 0. Write a value to set the current number of accumulated steps.


Represents a register that contains the accumulated number of steps of motor 1. Write a value to set the current number of accumulated steps.


Represents a register that contains the accumulated number of steps of motor 2. Write a value to set the current number of accumulated steps.


Represents a register that contains the accumulated number of steps of motor 3. Write a value to set the current number of accumulated steps.


Represents a register that configures the hold current reduction for motor 0.


Represents a register that specifies the limit of the accumulated steps for the positive movement of motor 0. The device will not let the motor move further than this value. A value equal to 0 disables the feature.


Represents a register that configures the maximum run RMS current per phase for motor 0.


Represents a register that configures the time between step motor pulses (us) used when starting or stopping a movement for motor 0.


Represents a register that configures the microstep resolution for motor 0.


Represents a register that specifies the limit of the accumulated steps for the negative movement of motor 0. The device will not let the motor move further than this value. A value equal to 0 disables the feature.


Represents a register that moves motor 0 to the absolute position written in this register.


Represents a register that moves motor 0 by the number of steps written in this register and set the direction according to the value's signal.


Represents a register that configures the operation mode for motor 0.


Represents a register that configures the acceleration for motor 0. The time between step pulses is decreased by this value when accelerating and increased when decelerating.


Represents a register that configures the time between step motor pulses (us) when running at nominal speed for motor 0.


Represents a register that starts the movement of motor 0 with the step interval defined by this register, disregarding the acceleration protocol. The sign of the value specifies the direction.


Represents a register that configures the hold current reduction for motor 1.


Represents a register that specifies the limit of the accumulated steps for the positive movement of motor 1. The device will not let the motor move further than this value. A value equal to 0 disables the feature.


Represents a register that configures the maximum run RMS current per phase for motor 1.


Represents a register that configures the time between step motor pulses (us) used when starting or stopping a movement for motor 1.


Represents a register that configures the microstep resolution for motor 1.


Represents a register that specifies the limit of the accumulated steps for the negative movement of motor 1. The device will not let the motor move further than this value. A value equal to 0 disables the feature.


Represents a register that moves motor 1 to the absolute position written in this register.


Represents a register that moves motor 1 by the number of steps written in this register and set the direction according to the value's signal.


Represents a register that configures the operation mode for motor 1.


Represents a register that configures the acceleration for motor 1. The time between step pulses is decreased by this value when accelerating and increased when decelerating.


Represents a register that configures the time between step motor pulses (us) when running at nominal speed for motor 1.


Represents a register that starts the movement of motor 1 with the step interval defined by this register, disregarding the acceleration protocol. The sign of the value specifies the direction.


Represents a register that configures the hold current reduction for motor 2.


Represents a register that specifies the limit of the accumulated steps for the positive movement of motor 2. The device will not let the motor move further than this value. A value equal to 0 disables the feature.


Represents a register that configures the maximum run RMS current per phase for motor 2.


Represents a register that configures the time between step motor pulses (us) used when starting or stopping a movement for motor 2.


Represents a register that configures the microstep resolution for motor 2.


Represents a register that specifies the limit of the accumulated steps for the negative movement of motor 2. The device will not let the motor move further than this value. A value equal to 0 disables the feature.


Represents a register that moves motor 2 to the absolute position written in this register.


Represents a register that moves motor 2 by the number of steps written in this register and set the direction according to the value's signal.


Represents a register that configures the operation mode for motor 2.


Represents a register that configures the acceleration for motor 2. The time between step pulses is decreased by this value when accelerating and increased when decelerating.


Represents a register that configures the time between step motor pulses (us) when running at nominal speed for motor 2.


Represents a register that starts the movement of motor 2 with the step interval defined by this register, disregarding the acceleration protocol. The sign of the value specifies the direction.


Represents a register that configures the hold current reduction for motor 3.


Represents a register that specifies the limit of the accumulated steps for the positive movement of motor 3. The device will not let the motor move further than this value. A value equal to 0 disables the feature.


Represents a register that configures the maximum run RMS current per phase for motor 3.


Represents a register that configures the time between step motor pulses (us) used when starting or stopping a movement for motor 3.


Represents a register that configures the microstep resolution for motor 3.


Represents a register that specifies the limit of the accumulated steps for the negative movement of motor 3. The device will not let the motor move further than this value. A value equal to 0 disables the feature.


Represents a register that moves motor 3 to the absolute position written in this register.


Represents a register that moves motor 3 by the number of steps written in this register and set the direction according to the value's signal.


Represents a register that configures the operation mode for motor 3.


Represents a register that configures the acceleration for motor 3. The time between step pulses is decreased by this value when accelerating and increased when decelerating.


Represents a register that configures the time between step motor pulses (us) when running at nominal speed for motor 3.


Represents a register that starts the movement of motor 3 with the step interval defined by this register, disregarding the acceleration protocol. The sign of the value specifies the direction.


Represents a register that contains a bit mask specifying the motor where the over voltage detection and protection mechanism occurred, which can happen when the there's a quick deceleration from a high velocity or when the motor stalls (not implemented).


Represents a register that contains a bit mask specifying the motor that triggered the error which can be happen in case of short-circuit or driver temperature above 165 degrees celsius.


Represents a register that emitted when any of the motors stops.


Represents a register that moves all motors to the absolute position written in this array register. If a motor is disable, the user should set the value to 0.


Represents a register that moves all motors by the number of steps written in this array register and set the direction according to the value's signal. If a motor is disable, the user should set the value to 0.


Represents an operator which filters and selects specific messages reported by the StepperDriver device.


Represents a register that resets the encoder.


Represents a register that starts the movement of all motors with the step interval defined by this array. The value's signal defines the direction.


Represents a register that stops the motors selected in the bit-mask immediately.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the AccumulatedSteps register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the AccumulatedStepsSamplingRate register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DeviceState register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DigitalInputState register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DisableDigitalInputs register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DisableDriver register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the DisableEncoders register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the EnableDigitalInputs register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the EnableDriver register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the EnableEncoders register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the EncoderMode register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the EncoderSamplingRate register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Encoders register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Input0OpMode register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Input1OpMode register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Input2OpMode register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Input3OpMode register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the InterlockEnabled register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the MaxPosition register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the MinPosition register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Mortor0AccumulatedSteps register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Mortor1AccumulatedSteps register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Mortor2AccumulatedSteps register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Mortor3AccumulatedSteps register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor0HoldCurrentReduction register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor0MaxPosition register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor0MaximumRunCurrent register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor0MaximumStepInterval register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor0MicrostepResolution register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor0MinPosition register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor0MoveAbsolute register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor0MoveRelative register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor0OperationMode register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor0StepAccelerationInterval register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor0StepInterval register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor0StepRelative register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor1HoldCurrentReduction register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor1MaxPosition register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor1MaximumRunCurrent register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor1MaximumStepInterval register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor1MicrostepResolution register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor1MinPosition register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor1MoveAbsolute register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor1MoveRelative register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor1OperationMode register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor1StepAccelerationInterval register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor1StepInterval register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor1StepRelative register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor2HoldCurrentReduction register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor2MaxPosition register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor2MaximumRunCurrent register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor2MaximumStepInterval register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor2MicrostepResolution register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor2MinPosition register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor2MoveAbsolute register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor2MoveRelative register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor2OperationMode register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor2StepAccelerationInterval register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor2StepInterval register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor2StepRelative register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor3HoldCurrentReduction register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor3MaxPosition register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor3MaximumRunCurrent register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor3MaximumStepInterval register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor3MicrostepResolution register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor3MinPosition register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor3MoveAbsolute register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor3MoveRelative register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor3OperationMode register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor3StepAccelerationInterval register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor3StepInterval register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the Motor3StepRelative register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the MotorOverVoltageDetection register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the MotorRaisedError register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the MotorStopped register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the MoveAbsolute register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the MoveRelative register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the ResetEncoders register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the StepRelative register.


Provides methods for manipulating timestamped messages from the StopMotors register.



Represents the payload of the AccumulatedSteps register.


Represents the payload of the Encoders register.


Represents the payload of the MaxPosition register.


Represents the payload of the MinPosition register.


Represents the payload of the MotorStopped register.


Represents the payload of the MoveAbsolute register.


Represents the payload of the MoveRelative register.


Represents the payload of the StepRelative register.



Specifies the rate of the accumulated steps events.


Specifies the current state of the device.


Specifies the state of the port and digital input line that changed.


Specifies the available digital input lines.


Specifies the type of reading made from the quadrature QuadratureEncoders.


Specifies the rate of the events from the quadrature QuadratureEncoders.


Specifies the hold current reduction.


Specifies the inputs operation mode.


Specifies the external connector state that enables the device.


Specifies the microstep resolution for each step pulse.


Specifies the motor operation mode.


Specifies the index of each motor.


Specifies the index of each motor.


Specifies the input trigger configuration.